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Ethan's POV

The music industry sounds big when you think about it, but from experience, it is very small.

Other artists, producers, managers, and the media somehow find out everything about everyone.

Who slept with who at the after afterparty for the Grammy's, who's dating who (Even if the couple hasn't confirmed it, the media is like the FBI and the paparazzi combined.), and everything else about anyone.

Although there are scandals after scandals (after scandals), and rumors upon rumors, there still manages to be an underground cartel full of secrets.

The music industry isn't as innocent as you believe.

You have to be super strong-minded if you don't want to get into the drug and alcohol addiction crowd. In the music industry, it's everywhere, and there's super easy access to anything you could think of.

Money, music, sex, secrets, rumors and lies are the six main components of the industry, or what I like to call the music mafia.

It's not talked about directly, but it is known that if you're involved in the music industry, you automatically lose your innocence.

If you don't? You're not going to be successful. That's just the truth.

Like I said, it's a small industry. In my opinion, it's too small.

You'll see exactly why when I tell you the rest of the story, but let me just tell you this:

Emma Chamberlain is known for her reputation. She inherited Signature Records when she was only 16 years old.

That's why she left our hometown.

We were friends when she lived in Connecticut.

In fact, we were best friends.

I didn't think that she'd actually move to Los Angeles when she inherited her uncle's record company.

The same day she told me that she was leaving Connecticut was the same day that I was going to finally tell her that I loved her.

So, I didn't.

Emma wanted to keep in touch, but I was angry with her for leaving me behind.

We sent letters back and forth a couple times, but I could already tell that she had changed.

I knew that she cut me off when Grayson received a letter from her, and I hadn't gotten one in over a month.

Anyway, Emma quickly became super successful, which led to her fame.

I still would watch whenever I knew that she had an interview on a talk show, or a late night show.

I listened to all of the music I knew she wrote or produced, and I missed the Emma that I used to know.

The girl that used to write songs with me; The girl that taught me how to play piano and guitar.

My Emma. She was gone. Because the girl she became wasn't my Emma anymore.

Once she became legal, it quickly became known that Emma likes her scotch the same way she likes her men. Dirty. And from what I've heard, she can handle them both just as well as she handles her bank account.

I'm not gonna lie and tell you that when I became a music producer and moved to LA I didn't have the same behavior, but it didn't mean I wasn't still upset that Emma wasn't herself anymore, and that she stopped keeping in touch with me.

Her company Signature Records is actually a few streets away from where I work. Crown Records.

All of the big artists tend to go back and forth between Signature and Crown.

It just depends on what producer they want for their album that year.

Now that you know the background of the story, let me say that I never expected to step foot into Signature Records, let alone work there.

But when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade.

I'll tell you how I ended up working for Emma's company on a later date.

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