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"babe, you have to get up. we need to get to school!" jeongin whined as he sat on the edge of my bed. "wait.. only if you give me a kiss.." i pouted. as soon as i said that, he climbed on top of me and showered me with kisses everywhere. "okay okay! i'll get up!" i said as i giggled and sat up. "I made some breakfast and coffee for you." he told me. he looked absolutely adorable with his glasses and messy bed hair. I gave him a kiss and went to get ready for school. 

it was pretty chilly outside, so I wore one of jeongin's hoodies since all of mine were in the wash. it was light blue and it smelled just like him. I loved it. I love him! I wore it with some jeans and my AF1s. I did my hair and put a little bit of makeup on. I checked the time on my phone, 7:16. "thank you for making me breakfast, my love," I told him as I back hugged him. "its no problem. I have to get ready now." he told me. I let go and started eating the breakfast. he made rice porridge with hard boiled eggs. my favorite! "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled from the kitchen. "I LOVE YOU MORE!" He yelled back. I hurried and finished. jeongin already ate. on my phone, the time said 7:34.

"jeongin! hurry! we're going to be late for school!" I said outside of the door. "coming!!" he said as he grabbed his backpack and came out of the room. "I was wondering where my hoodie went.." he said as he kissed me on the cheek. I laughed. he intertwined our fingers together and we left for school. "you're so pretty." he told me as we walked into school. as always, all the girls were staring at me with jealousy. "you look better.." I replied. suddenly, jeongin's friends, hyunjin, minho, and jisung, all came up behind us and linked our arms together. "good morning to you too, guys." I said. "did you hear about the new kid?" jisung asked jeongin and i. "w-we're getting a new student?" I asked. we never get new students.

after I got my books for 1st period, jisung offered to go to class with me since we have the same first period. jisung have been best friends every since the 3rd grade. then he introduced me to jeongin and the others in middle school, and it all happened. "do you have any idea where this new kid is from?" I asked him. "I think he's from Busan." He replied. "cool, so he's a countryside boy." I said. when we got into class, it was pretty much normal. there were students sitting on desks and talking, copying off each other's homework, etc. jisung and I got seated and waited for the teacher. until then, I just went on my phone. just then, the teacher came in with a cute looking boy. "hello, class. as you know, we have a new student. please introduce yourself." mrs. bae said.

"hello everybody. my name is kim seungmin. I hope you'll treat me well!" basically all of the girls were fangirling now. I just rolled my eyes at them. seungmin LOOKED cute, but we didn't even get to see his personality yet. what if he's a total playboy? "seungmin, you can sit near y/n. please raise your hand, miss lee!" mrs. bae instructed. I received some angry stares from some girls. I raised my hand and he strolled over happily. he held out his hand to shake. I shook it slowly. "hello. you have very pretty eyes." he told me. "thank you. I hope we can be good friends. you can sit with my friends and I at lunch." I offered. he nodded which I think meant 'sure!'. "look who's into y/n.." jisung said. he had been quiet, so I jumped at his comment. "dude, I have a boyfriend." I said and playfully punched his arm. 

"don't come near seungmin, he's MINE." somebody behind me said. I was at my locker after class. I turned around to find the most obnoxious popular girl there is, Shin Yuna. "not like I will, I have a boyfriend you idiot." I told her and rolled my eyes. "if you come near him, I won't hesitate to come near you, lee y/n." she whispered in my ear. "yeah, yeah. whatever, yuna." I told her and walked away.  after our classes, it was lunch.

on the way to the cafeteria, seungmin was slowly becoming one of my close friends. we were laughing and getting to know each other. "hey guys! this is seungmin, he's the new kid." I told my friends at the lunch table. when we got into the cafeteria, a lot of eyes were on us. especially yuna's. her eyes were like looking at an intimidating and piercing lion's eyes. as if she was about to pounce on her prey. seungmin was slowly following behind me. as we got seated to our seat, some students already started to leave. including yuna and her minions. seungmin was just getting comfortable from talking to some of the guys. 

jeongin wasn't there because he was busy studying for his exam after lunch in social studies. he was at the school library. I thought yuna left the cafeteria, but she was near the table. I was about to get up and leave to go with jeongin, but as I got up, she slapped me in the face! it probably left a red hand mark.. "didn't I warn you, hun?" she whispered to me. I was so mad that I turned around and punched her in the nose, sending her to the floor and getting a nose bleed. gosh, boxing really helped me in grade 4.. I squatted down to her. "I didn't really care. so.." I told her. my friends on the other hand, only worried about me. seungmin too. "are you alright?" hyunjin and minho asked. jisung was looking at my cheek while seungmin hugged me. "guys, im fine." I chuckled at their reaction.

"let's get out of here." I told them.

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