Chapter 1: Introduction

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A/N: HI!!! I'm new to Wattpad!!! This is my first story. So be patient with me. Uh, I'll try to upload when I don't have so much homework...
This probably will have writing/grammar mistakes so if you're the type of person who hates that I wouldn't suggest reading this. Plus typing in a iPhone isn't easy.
Last thing if you have any questions/concerns or what to chat, you could message me or I'll answer your questions after the story. Any suggestions are good so they help me make the story better :D
*~*~*~*( <---- page breaker)
"Daddy, Don't tell me your going to work on our only Saturday together? complain Celeste. She was leaning the white French door.

Jason was putting important papers in his briefcase for an important meeting.

"Sorry honey but the-" Jason got interrupted by his 6 year old.

"Company need you, I know, I know" sighed Celeste. Leaving the office where her dad worked when he wasn't at work.

"Yes, now be a good girl for the maid okay?" Following Celeste to the staircase.

"Yea, whatever" mumbled Celeste taking the stairs to her room. Clearly the girl was upset.

Jason sighed. "Cel, I promise when I get home we will go to the park okay? I promise to look for a nanny"

"Yea that's what you always say, but it never happens. You get home and you are always tired or stress. Either that or you get home really late and I'm already asleep. You never have time for me anymore." Celeste said in the hallway leading to her room

"Hmm... I know! What about we go get ice cream tomorrow?" Offered Jason.

"No thanks, bye dad and have nice time at work" said Celeste, closing her room door and 'click' meaning she locked her door.

Jason sighed again and ran fingers through his hair. Celeste did have a point, they haven't had father-daughter in a long time. Clearly he was to blame, his multi-billionaire company Santos INC. was keeping him busy.
He REALLY needed to find a nanny as soon as possible.

"Ms. Sparks?" Said a deep voice not to far away from where a chocolate eyes and hair with girl was sitting

Ellie looked up from her position from the counter with the cashier. To see her old manager.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Can I talk to you in my office?"

"Yes... Sir" agreed Ellie

Ellie and her boss Jack, walked in the back of the Hobby Lobby. In the lobby was a wooden desk with a black office chair. Jack sat down in the chair and grabbed a pencil, and started to make a beat on the wooden desk.

"A customer came in complaining 3 things about you. One that you didn't help her when she asked for help or ignored her. Two when she managed to get your attention, she claims that you were so rude to her and lastly you gave her terrible service. Do you have anything to say?" He asked, then stopped playing with the pencil then to bang it on the wooden desk.

Ellie was stunned, she's never seen her old gray hair manager angry. That day was when Ellie realized her boyfriend dumped her and the rest of the day she wasn't in a good mood. She didn't think the person was going to tell her manager!

'Oh that, well-"

"So you're not denying it?" Asked jack pointing the pencil at Ellie's face.

"Well no. It's just that-" once again Ellie was interrupted.

"That's it, I'm going to fire you. Not only because of this but those 3 incidents. You know to be nice to the customers no matter how much pain the ass they may be. You have also been coming in late or not all. Lastly, you haven't been focus lately, so sadly this is your last day. I want you to take all your stuff when your last shift ends"

"WHAT! That isn't fair! I have bills to pay!" exclaimed Ellie.

"Should've thought of that before you were rude to the customer. You can protest all you want, you aren't going to get your job back"

Later that night, in a large office in the mansion, Jason was typing on his laptop.


Jason sighed. It was urgent that he found a nanny as soon as possible, his daughter need someone to watch over her when he's busy. Oh how he wishes for her mother to be here, at least helping him. It wouldn't be so hard on him. Too bad her mother died when Celeste was born, so Celeste doesn't know her own mother. Not that it was necessary, when he met Diana, he didn't really love her, he was drunk and it was a nightstand. Diana lied claiming that she was pill, then 2 months later coming to him say she was pregnant with his kid. The rest of the 7 months was hell. As Jason got to know Diana better, he learned that he and her were totally different people. Diana mostly cared about his money and was always shopping. Diana also distanced herself from him, he never knew what she did and she would never tell him . Her mood swings were the worst, one minute she'll be craving ice cream, happy, next she'll be on the floor crying, when the whole ice cream was gone. Going through labor was also bad, she called him names, yelled that it was his fault for getting her pregnant, and nearly broke his hand. In the process, something went wrong and Jason was forced to wait in the waiting room. When Jason held his baby girl, he was in tears because now he was holding this innocent baby that depends her life on his. The doctors informed him that Diana didn't survive, because they had to save the baby instead.

Jason knew from that point that it wasn't going to be easy raising a little girl by himself.

Jason clicked 'upload' to put it on the job wanted ads anonymously.

A/N: Hope you liked it! I'll TRY to update next chapter on Saturday!

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