Fatherly and Brotherly Love

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Ok so in this first story Harry got accepted into Slytherin and Draco is like Harry's brother and Snape like his father.

"UGH!!!!" Harry walked into the Slytherin common room pissed off and on the verge of crying and he went to the boys' dormitory slamming the door and collapsing onto his bed silently crying into his pillow.

Draco and Snape both saw this and knew something was wrong. "I knew there was something off with that Weasly girl," Draco mumbled to Snape.

"I agree," Snape said. "Let's do something to cheer him up." This made Draco smile.

"Totally, but what?" They both thought until Draco remembered the other day he saw Ginny tickling Harry and he smirked. "I have just the plan~" he said evily.

He whispered the plan to Snape and smiled. "Sounds good," Shape smiled. They both walked up the stairs into the boys dormitory and sat beside Harry on his bed. Snape started to rub his back in soothing circles. "What's wrong son?" he asked.

Harry gently lifted his head to look at them and his eyes were red from crying so much. "You two were right about Ginny cheating on me...I'm so sorry I didn't believe you two..." Seeing Harry like this broke Snape's and Draco's hearts. "I don't know how I'm going to cheer up now..." Harry said sadly.

Both Snape and Draco smirked. "We do~" they teased in unison before starting to tickle Harry's stomach, sides, and ribs making him laugh and squirm in the bed to get away from their dreadful tickling fingers.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!! D-Dracohohohohohoho!! Snahahahahahahahahahape!! Nohohohohohohohohohoho!! Stop tickling mehehehehehehehehehe!!" Even if he was telling them to stop he didn't mean it at all, he loves the attention and the feeling to laugh like this. He hasn't been tickled ever except when Ginny tickled him for her entertainment.

After about 30 minutes Snape and Draco stopped tickling him so he could breathe and when he got his breath back the smile never left his face. "Thanks you two, I really needed that."

Both Draco and Snape smiled caringly (yes I know that's not a word fight me!!!) at him and cuddled him. "Anytime Harry," they said in unison and they all feel asleep together.

Hope this was good!! Be sure to leave me requests and dm me if u want to rp!!! BYE!!!

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