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"This is it," Summer chimes. "The moment we walk through this gate is the moment we become students at the best school in the country."

"Yep," I rub the back of my neck as the wind cuts through my radiant pinkish-red hair. I turn my head to Summer. "Together?"

"Together," Sunmer grabs my hand, and we simultaneously burst through the gates that led to the front doors of the school. We push them open, her hand still clutching mine.

And that's when it happened.

My world was spinning. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, and I lost grip of Summer as she collapsed to the ground. I struggle to scream, but my throat wouldn't allow it. Before I even get that chance to react, I feel a jab at the back of my head by what felt to be the side of a knife of some sort. I swing an arm around, but there's nothing there. Before I knew it, I was hurtling towards the ground. I feel my muscles give out. I was dragged away before my vision went pitch black.

I had passed out.

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