looks: 3/10 🤢 periodttttt
brains: big brain/10
emotional?: 6/10
popularity in the fandom: 7/10
popularity in the fanbase: 8/10
meme potential: yes 10/10
funny: 6.5/10 sometimes yes
backstory: 5/10 kinda too average doeee
underrated?: nah
vibes: big brainmy opinion: i like the idea of the character and he was well-written with a rival, a few friends, a casual education, etc. a good protagonist for a family-friendly show, and i wish we could've gotten a season four.
in one of the episodes he looked like a naked baby????overall: 7/10 🥴
jimmy neutron is the best anime and that's on periodt
Randomself-explanatory lololol (note: i'll regret this later) btw none of the characters belong to me 😗✌️✌️✌️