Infected: He shuffled his jacket rough.
she began to melt into a puddle of molten fear she's right brother said a voice the area around Infected turned Into darkness yet again
Infected: Hey...hey, what's going on?
You were never good at anything, hell you couldn't even die right the voice spoke from behind him
Infected turned around. Infected: Hey.... He growled.
he saw a giant mirror behind himselfWhat? Scared of the person you've become? Come and look into the mirror brother, look at what you look like to us now the voice called from...the mirror?
Infected: he stared at his reflection for a moment before growling and shattering the mirror. I'm not afraid or ashamed of who I am!
the shards than flew through him and than back to reform the mirror excepte this time 404 was in the mirror404:Look at me
Infected: He refused.
The world around Infected grew cold and he could hear screams and fire from nothing, the wisp began to scream familiar screams404: do you not hear them,why do you torture them so? Let them rest, aren't you tired?
Infected: Shut up.. He shuffled his jacket and twitched.
the voices great louder and louder and LOUDER
404: why fight it? Your never gonna get what you want.
Infected's other brothers appeared in the mirror aswell
Deilos: Give it up brotherAres: why go down another blow when you can rest?
your body grew heavy and unbearable you began to feel the weight and pain all over again, again, again and AGAIN
Alpha: Brother...
Infected slowly began to crumble to the ground on his hands and knees. Out of desperation, anger, and insanity, he started throwing a random barrage of punches at the ground, but the weight of his sins soon crushed his arms, making him roar inhumanly.
the world grew quiet
?????: Hey there
a old voice said from the mirror
Infected: He looked up at the mirror. ...?
Jacob: We don't have to live like this anymorethe weak child extended they're hand to Infected, come on let's finally get some rest
Infected: He stared at them. Normally, he'd be broken to tears, and he'd take their hand. But his mind was shattered by now. B...bastard...we can never rest.... He struggled to stand, and eventually was strong enough to get on one knee. Not after all...we've done...
Jacob:....began to cry, the tears rained down like heavy rain. As it happened you could feel your left socket grow wet with your own tears from where you know not. The little weak child soon dissapeared into the mirror
Soon the only thing left was the mirror and Infected
When the rain started pouring was over. Guess I spoke too soon.
Infected: Wait, Jacob, no...! He scrambled to the mirror weakly and put both hands on it.
Infected fell through the mirror and returned to reality once again or was he dreaming? He was back in Horrotale, back in the woods, back to life and back to living
He fell into the snow. Immediately afterwards, he jumped up and looked around, growling and swiping at nothing. Then he stopped, and for a moment, just for a moment, he was..frozen with shock.
two hands went on his shoulders
Void Empress: I still love you
after the pressure of your mother's hands leave you, leafs fall from your shoulder
Infected stood there and shook.
Into what i think is my mind
Short StoryTake a trip into the mind of a Killer who's been left to his thoughts. written with the help of the wonderful Mystical Art by D-han