Chapter 6

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Then, his ancestors disappeared, and all the cats joined in the midle of the place where they made his meetings. A cat approached Redfur, and he reconized Blondstripe, a yellowtabby tom with brown eyes.
" You think you can break our way to live and unite all the cats under your leadership but you are so wrong" The blond cat sayed.
" I only accepted because I want to survive against Blackfoot"
" Look - Redfur answered - I'm not looking for trouble, I just want to save all of you"
" Do you think I eat your lies?" Blondstripe meowed.
Then, Redfur adopted attack position, but fastly his friend White Sunshine stopped him.
" Leave it Redfur, it doesn't worth it" the white cat meowed.
The two hostile cats went each one for diferent ways, and White Sunshine followed Redfur.
" I hope I don't have many enemies inside my allies" Redfut tought.
"Because if there is a rebelion we're all lost"

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