Chapter 1 : Hunter Squad

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A year has passed since Hanabi left the Lotus Shrine in Iga. She successfully reached the Moniyan Empire that is currently ruled by Queen Silvanna. She got the chance to speak with and there she told her about her mission and the existence of the Akuma Ninja, Hanzo and how Alice is responsible for his awakening.

Silvanna is fully aware of the blood demon's existence. In fact, her brother and heir to throne, Dyrroth was abducted by Alice during the war of The Barren Lands, centuries ago. The lightborn queen saw the determination in Hanabi's eyes, so she asked her to stay and offered her a position in the kingdom's rank of meta warriors.

For a year, Hanabi trained with the Lightborn army until she got selected to be part of the Hunter Squad. A group of meta warriors hand picked by the queen. Their mission is to hunt Alice and rescue Dyrroth and bring him back to Lightborn Capital. As a personal favor, she offered the Scarlet Ninja the chance to execute Hanzo herself when the time has come to which Hanabi agreed.

Queen Silvanna formed the Hunter Squad with 7 members. All from different places across the Land of Dawn. They are powerful beings often referred as meta heroes who also believe in the Lord of Light. Hanabi represents the land of Iga, Badang from Solari, Alucard and Natalia from the Monastery of Light, Karrie of Alaghat, Lancelot of Baroque and Selena of the Shadow Swamp. Together, they ventured across the Land of Dawn targeting the known places where Abyssal subjects were seen.

Silvanna personally asked Selena to join the mission for she has been connected to the Abyss for ages. With her connection, they can easily sense the presence of any dark magic around, especially Alice's. With King Estes' help, Selena now has full control of her Abyssal form and have slowly changed her appearance back into of a dark elf than a demon. Though her horns didn't disappear.

For months, the squad travelled from The Rantha Mountains to Wind Fort then traversed through the vast desert of the once prosperous Minoan Empire. After a long journey, they decided to stop by the Ruins of Tivacan in the edge of the Agelta Drylands. They intend to stay in the old kingdom for a few days before they travel to the Misty Mountains to meet the centaur warden. Even before the locals told them about the ruins' legend, Selena already felt the strong dark power coming from beneath the ground but can't determine if it's Abyssal magic. The Legend says that the ruins is home to a once cruel king who was then cursed and trapped in one of the tombs.

"Legends of the ancient world ... the locals may just be threatening us so we won't stay hear and discover whatever secrets they're hiding here" Lancelot said

"Legend or not, stay sharp. This is foreign soil. We've encountered several abyssal demons along the way. They can be everywhere. Alice can change her appearance, who knows maybe this said cruel king is Alice on disguise" Hanabi replied

"I've been feeling a strong surge of dark magic since we set foot in this part of the desert. I just can't say if it's Alice" Selena said

"we can't know for sure unless we stay here. It'll be dark soon. We need to prepare our tents" Badang suggested

The squad camped in the old throne room. Right after they ate dinner, Selena approached Hanabi. She told the scarlet ninja that the dark magic is getting stronger and it doesn't feel like a legend. It's real. The two agreed to search the area and guard the squad for the night to make sure no one is harmed by whoever is the source of the dark magic.

It was almost midnight when a gust of wind stormed the ruins. The squad had to take shelter from nearby hallways and rooms. But Alucard and Lancelot is nowhere to be found.

"What is happening?" Natalia asked

"This isn't just a normal wind. There's magic in it" Karrie replied

"Vale?" Natalia asked again

"No, this isn't Vale. Look, the gust is coming from that dark alley" Selena replied

"We need to get to that alley then. Everyone, get ready. We are about to find out if the legends are true" Hanabi said

As they move towards the alley, the bluster gets stronger and stronger. No one in the team has the ability to dispell the powerful wind. So they have no choice but to take shelter and wait for it until it disappear. Even though Selena already said that she can't feel Alice nearby, Hanabi's intuition is telling her that someone like Alice is inside that alley so she must go and find out. She swiftly moved accross the ruins of the old kingdom to get close to the source of the magical wind. The alley's entrance is impenetrable but a small door close to it can be their way in.

The squad quickly moved towards the small door. Luckily, they managed to get inside with the help of Badang's Fist Break, an iron first technique powerful enough to create a wall of rock as a result of Badang's powerful punch.

Inside, they found an endless stairway going down to the pits of the ruins. There, the wind is tolerable so the team can just move across the hallways.

"this must be going to the old king's tomb" Badang said

"could he be the one doing this?, look! the gust is coming from down there" Natalia said

"The air is filled with dark magic. I can feel it's coming from down there" Selena added

As they take every step down the stairway, the squad suddenly heard an echoing sound. They all looked at each other with their curious faces.

"Is that the sound of pounding flesh?" Badang asked

"Gasps and moan too" Natalia said tediously

"pores opened as they sweat" Selena added with a smile on her face

"someone's having fun" Hanabi said then smiled

They all followed the sound. Karried located the source and peeped in to see. There she found Alucard and Lancelot in a corner, having fun with each other. The Yasson couldn't hold it anymore, she laughed so hard upon discovering what the two good looking men are doing.

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