⭐Do u believe me?⭐

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U just sleep the rest of the day. Untill u wake up to 20 missed calls and 17 texts from baby😘💍
The text
P-baby where are u?!
P-are u ok?
P-answer me bubs
P-please ur scaring me
P-did Bryce hurt u?!
10 more messages from baby😘💍

L-i guess I'll call him.
L-Hey baby
L-who else what it be silly😳
P-are u ok?
L-im fine
P-wby didn't u anwer my calls or text me?!
L-1.bryce and 2.i was sleeping.
P-oh Otay why'd u run out after going to the bathroom?
L-i wasn't feeling good so I ran home.
P-u scared me bubs
L-sowwy bubas
P-wuv u
L-i wuv u too
L-maybe I should try texting jaden and tell him what happened.
*The text*
L-Hey Jaden can u meet me at the park in 10?
Read 5:19
L-jaden come on pls don't leave me on read.
Read 5:21
J-why? Look Lexi u clearly showed me u don't like me and u told me too never to talk.
L-no i want to give u a face to face explanation.
L-pls Jaden
L-see u in 5
J-ya whatever.
Read 5:24

5 mins laterrrrrr
You wore a yellow crop top and light blue ripped jeans and walked to the park which is 4 mins away. When u get there u see Jaden sitting there.
J-cut the crap just tell me.
L-geez ok
U tell Jaden the whole story
L-so basically what I'm trying to Say is I didn't send u those messages. Bryce did.
J-so u want me to believe u?
L-YES! So do u believe me?
J-idek anymore I thought u had feelings for me.
L-i do- I did
J-what do u mean u did?
⚠A/n-lexi saw someone at the park who didn't want her to be with Jaden who is it??
L-uhh i'll tell u later I have to go
J-why? Just tell me now
L-i can't Jaden I like rlly have to go
J-lexi just tell me before u go.
L-i uh-huh
P-Hey babe
J-wait Babe?
P-what the hell are you doing here with him?
L-i was telling him the story
P-what story?!
L-the one with Bryce and my phone.
P-oh we'll WE have to go now.
J-not like I wanted to u anyways.

U were about to cry right then and there but u had to hold back your tears.
P-come on baby let's go.
Payton dropped u off and u guys didn't talk though the whole car ride.
L-Hey pay?
L-why don't u like jaden?
P-he's mean to u and hurts u
L-so ur just protecting me?
P-ily too
U we're about to walk in the house untill u ran into Bryce
B-what the hell where were u?!
L-n-no where!
B-whatever go to your room
L-i hate u

Hey guys I rlly don't know what to do. So can u guys cmmt some ideas pls

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