Chapter 27 - Free sample

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And so the new days began. This time our love was not going to have limits. This time Zoe and I would give the best of us. This time the attempt should crystallize into something definitive.

One afternoon, while reviewing the messages she had sent me, she asked me to go to the theater. I did not care what play we would watch, whether it was good or bad; I just wanted to be with her.

She got in the car, and we kissed. I do not know how she did it, but every time she was more beautiful. Then, it was easy to understand why I fell in love with her more every day. She smiled happy, free. Now it would be two again. I drove to the theater.

The performance had not yet started, and the doors of the main auditorium were not open, so we sat in a room in the lobby. Zoe was by my side, leaning on my shoulder,

caressing my arm and holding one of my hands. We kissed.

Some elderly ladies who were in the place - instead of looking at us with shame or discomfort- they passed smiling, perhaps remembering the old loves of their golden days.

The doors of the theater opened. We went hand in hand. It was more than surely everyone thought that we were lovers, engaged, or married. We felt that the universe smiled at us. Together they were radiant.

Her hand played with my fingers; mine rested on her leg. Her perfume mixed with mine, her heat fed my heat, if this was a free sample of what could be a

simple moment of our lives, then I wanted to buy our whole future. Between scene and scene, the lights were turned off totally, that was the perfect time for us to kiss. Minutes later, we realized that another act had already begun and that

our breathing had accelerated. The reflectors could have illuminated us during those two hours and for sure, at the end, both the actors and the audience would have stood up to applaud our expression of love.

We went out of the theater embracing and headed to the car to go toward her house. On the way, we continue to kiss while making the most of the red traffic lights. We did not just love each other, we were getting to know each other more, becoming accomplices and falling in love with our ways of being.

The night had come to an end. The hours Zoe had given me were the ones I needed to believe in her and in us. I said goodbye with a kiss.

I saw her silhouette disappear; while the light of the streetlights cast her shadow. In a deluded way I wished to become her shadow and remain indivisibly by her side. I started to miss her.

Ironies of life. She was in the wrong place and with the wrong person; I was in the perfect place, but without the right person. Sebas, you have to be positive, you cannot fall apart now, I thought. This time, I had to do double the effort; I had to be my own engine and Zoe's too. It was our last chance, and it seemed that we were both giving everything.

I did not know what she could think every time she walked toward her house. It should not be easy, but she could be sure of something: the next time that scene would be the other way around. She would appear among the lights, would leave her heavy shadow at home, and would come to mine for a lifetime.

Zoe, do not go! Wait! You are taking my heart! How do I keep living if you have it?, it seemed to say an inner voice. That question accompanied me until I got home.

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