The family prepares for engagement

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"No?" said Bhuvi drily. "Is it a word you just made up?"

Yuzi was shaking his head violently; so violently that Bhuvi felt sure he had made up the word. But then he saw Kuldeep shaking his head as well.

"Then what is it?" demanded VIrat impatiently.

"Guess," said Yuzi, opting for full-on drama.

"I know the meaning of fiction. And I certainly know the meaning of fan, seeing that I've got so many," said Jaddu solemnly, as the others snorted in disbelief. "But what the hell is fanfiction?"

"You're very close, Jaddu bhaiya!" urged Yuzi.

Virat was rapidly swelling with rage. He had been woken up for this tomfoolery at 3:45 am. And he had planned a practice session at 7, which was surely not going to materialize at this rate.

A particularly loud snore sounded in the room as they were thinking in silence. No prizes for guessing who it was.

"Wake him up!" said Shikhar.

"No," said Virat. "Let him sleep; sleeping is better than this confounded nonsense, and I'm going to sleep too."

Virat supporting Rohit's sleep was a dangerous thing, so Jinks whispered to Yuzi, "Tell him quick what fanfiction don't want to piss him off!"

"Ok," said Yuzi, because Jinks' words had quite a bit of sense. "Fanfiction is when the fans write stories about us."


Rohit jolted awake at the collective yell. "Wh-what?" he mumbled.

Now Virat had brightened up a lot, and he wasn't inclined to let Rohit sleep in peace anymore.

"Wake up, you dumbo!" he said, shoving his shoulder. "Did you know our fans write stories about us?"

That made Rohit perk up a bit. "They do?"

"Yes," said Yuzi (dramatically). "I know you're all dying to thank me and Kul for this wonderful discovery,but let's keep the gratitude for later!"

Hardik, who was sitting beside him, smacked the back of his head. 

"Hardik!" cried Kuldeep vehemently.

"What?" said Hardik. "D'you want one too?"

Kuldeep looked at Virat, but really, that wasn't even necessary; his Virat bhai was already jumping into action.

"Get out of the room, Hardik," he said menacingly.

Rahul snickered.


"Shut up," hissed Bhuvi, seeing another Hardik tantrum coming up. "Yuzi, continue."

  "And you'll not get any gratitude, mind you, Yuzi," put in Rohit.

"Not from you certainly, bhaiya," said Yuzi sweetly.

Virat and Jaddu's faces broke into identical evil grins. 

"It's about Ro?" cackled Jaddu.

Yuzi would keep up the mystery, of course.

"Read it and find out!"

"Who'll read?" asked Jinks mildly.

"Not Yuzi," said Rohit.

"Nor Hardik!" said Jassi.

"Certainly not!" said Rahul at once.

"Jassi, you can read," said Hardik with surprising sweetness, which made them all suspicious at once. 

Yuzi's ridiculous discoveryWhere stories live. Discover now