~1~ |Shin Soukoku|

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"Where is it?" Akutagawa repeated. He had work in 15 minutes, and he couldn't find his coat. He would normally place it on the same spot every night when he came back, but he was too exhausted last night that he placed it on the couch, or at least he thought. When he checked the couch all he saw was his cat, Rashomon, sleeping.

Three minutes had passed and he still had no luck. He avoided checking the kitchen since he hadn't been in the kitchen last night, but he was running out of places to check. When he entered he saw some snacks laying out with a note on it.

"Make sure to take care of yourself! Stay safe during work! I love you! -Atsushi <3"

Aku was smiling the whole time while reading the note. They had been together for three years and living together for one and a half years. They cared so much for each other and couldn't imagine a world where they never met. Aku grabbed the snacks and put it in a bag.

He checked every room again and had no luck until he went to the living room. There he saw Atsushi sleeping and wearing his coat.

"How did I not notice him earlier?" Aku thought. He didn't want to wake up Atsushi, but they both had to go to work soon. Aku woke up Atsushi with a kiss.

"Morning, jinko," Aku exclaimed while smiling. Atsushi opened his eyes and kissed him back.

"Aren't you normally on your way to work by now?" the tired man asked.

"Yes I would, but someone fell asleep wearing my coat." Aku replied. Atsushi looked at his arms and saw the black sleeves of the coat. He blushed and started apologize repeatedly. He took it off and handed it to Aku, who was laughing at him.

"Don't worry, you look cute when you wear it," Aku said while putting it on. Atsushi started blushing even more. Despite them dating for three years, the smallest things would still make them blush.

"Did you see the treats I left for you?"

"I did. Thank you for caring about me." They smiled and kissed once more. "Now, I have to leave before I'm late. I'll see you when I get back." They say goodbye, and Aku leaves their apartment. Atsushi sits next to Rashomon and starts petting him.

"I'm so lucky to have Ryuu in my life"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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