Chapter 4

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Well after two months of being together he proposed at 12:10 am on Thanksgiving. They were 12 and 13. So when he asked she said yes. He said really? She said yes. He asked if she was tearing and smiling. When she replied with yes. He smiled and said you can cry if you need or want. She said ok. That now they know she was proposed to at the age of 12. She knew that nothing would break them up even if they were forced to. They had a music program one night and she had makeup on and was nervous to show Avery. After he got home he told her that she shouldn't have hid. She looked cute and should have never of hid her beautiful face. He wanted to see her beautiful face even more. She didn't want him to see she had to much makeup on. He told her that he would never judge how she looks or feels. He loves her and shouldn't hide anything. Nothing should be a secret. Everything or most of everything you should tell me and I will tell you. You have no need to hide. I know you were nervous but still babe it is okay to feel that way. You could have showed. After the concert when she was leaving he was gonna jump up and go give her a hug. She told him that he should have. He said yea I know but I might have gotten questioned. She was oh yea true. They didn't care that he didn't. All that they said matters is that they are there for each other and they love each other. Nothing else should matter to them. They should just be perfectly fine the way they are. They loved each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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