All the girls were chilling in Nandu room Alia:guys so we are going to clubbing like after ages what are we gonna wear? Mukthi:I toh will wear my white frock u remember that we bought Navya: I will put on a denim short nd I have a pink top so will go with that Alia:yeah even me I will also do the same.....what about u Nandu Nandu: I will put on a denim short nd black top single sleeve wala Alia:okay what are we waiting for guys comeon lets get ready.....Here the boys got ready nd in the meanwhile even Abhi too joined they were having random chats as they all are ready Boys Outfit
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Cabir:yaar what is taking them so much time to come yaar nd he was playing on his phone Abhi: Manik u are gone today he was confused he pointed towards the stairs he stood in shock seeing Nandu in that avatar not onlt his even Cabir was also in that same state Cabir:yeh sach main meri he madhubala hai na? Please pinch me someone pinch me please to which Navya pinches him he hisses in pain.....Maan kar raha hai ki tumko utaloon aur ghar jaun kya bhologi tum haan? Nd grabs her waist Navya blushing: Cabir tum bhi na nd he kisses her cheeks Cabir: hai rabha mai marjava Girls Outfit
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All left the home but Manik was rooted at his place Nandu: Manik Manik she shakes him he comes into live.....Kaha khogaye hai aap sabh chalgaye lets go Manik:tum paar khogaya hoon he moves towards nd pulls her towards him nd tucks the hair back of her ear nd kisses her cheeks to which she blushes.....U are looking ummm.....I am running out of words u just look the stars which I love the most.... I dint knew that u ware modern nd western clothes too Nandu: You Know Nothing About Me Manik shall we go all are waiting for us with this all went to the club enjoyed the rest left off to their places nd MaNan back to their places Nandini POV: After the clubbing was done all left to their places me along with Manik came back to home I went to my room had a quick shower nd changed into my nightdress
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I was applying lotion nd suddenly I went to the memories lane before going to the club.....Manik was stunned to see me in that dress well it was the 1st time wore something like that after my marriage Cabir ki fuse toh out hogaya hai seeing Navya like that he talked something with her to which she blushed they are a cute pair I saw around me found all the pair complimenting their girls but me yeah I don't even expect it once I have expected something from him it turned out to be a worst nightmare so I made a mental note that I will not expect anything from him all went away but he was rooted at his place I shaked him literally nd he came out of his world he pulled me close to him nd said he never knew that I wear such dresses I was pissed up with him so I said that he knows nothing about me he left me we went to the club we danced chatted had fun nd now I am sitting in my room.... I am literally done with the shit happening in my life I just was wanna get out of this I made my way to the bar took the already opened scotch bottle nd a glass along with ice cube flask nd led to my studyroom I made a drink for myself nd gulped it in a go nd later made a scotch on rocks nd lead to the piano that I had in my study
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Come on Nandini Murthy time to make some music I placed my glass on the piano rolled my hair into a bun nd started playing not before turning on my recorder
I felt content with the music nd turned off the recorder I am feeling light actually I took a sip from my glass nd turned back to see Manik standing there with a amazed expression on his face nd shocked too at the same time I raised my eyebrow in a questioning manner Manik:Woh I was passing by nd stopped by listening the was magical I dint knew that u could play piano such fantastically to which I passed a smile Ur one expression is justified y are u shocked nd I saw him looking at the glass I gussed it.....Yups I do drink I already told u ki u know nothing about me Manik:Nandini.....ummmm.....I have a request I asked him to continue and I was pouring a drink for him in another glass nd forwarded to him he thanked me Errr Nandini can u play another tune for me plz nd he scratched his nape with his hand Yeah sure why not nd I started playing another tune
Manik:It was magical Nandini really u are amazing with this we completed the drink I took both the glasses nd the bottle along with the stuff that I bought done with it went to my room nd drifted into sleep End Of POV
Manik POV That was one hectic day I must say Oh God so much of drama coz of that lady we decided to go to club its been ages we did we were talking nd I saw Nandini coming in a black single sleeve tee nd a denim short I was flattered I have never seen in such a way she is way I couldn't find words to explain so I compared her with stars I kissed her for the 1st time I said that I dint knew she would wear such guess what she said U Know Nothing About Me a sudden urge to know everything about her took into my veins later we came to home I went to my room did some work nd went down to fetch some water when I crossed her study I hearda piano music I was famished by the music nd went inside her study just to see her playing the piano so invovled
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After the completion of playing she turned back to see me I was shocked to see a glass with scotch in her hand Oh God so many new things in a single day I can't take it she raised her eyebrow in a questioning way I said I was passing by so nd asked about me shocked she found me gazing at her scotch glass she understood I think she took another glass filled it nd gave it to me I asked her to play another tune to which she played it was amazing she has so much talent in her later on we bid good night nd I went to my room nd drifted to sleep End Of POV