𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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Darkness truly makes everything more frightening than it already is. Never, even in my worst nightmares, I have been so scared of my own shadow. Travelling up the several stairs has been the most dreadful experience: mysterious sounds flooded the whole Palace, followed by the noise of my steps; the moonlight shining from various windows illuminated the decorations, causing me to jump suddenly, and, as if it wasn't enough, my shadow decided to play tricks on me, appearing whenever and however it wanted.

Thankfully, God let me arrive to the fifth floor safe and sound. I stand in front of Jonathan's office door and knock softly, afraid to be heard by the whole Palace. He quickly opens the door, knowing it's me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, checking on me.

"Yeah, I think so," I answer, uncertain about it.

I step in, and my eyes start scanning the little office full of books and documents; his cluttered desk is placed in the middle, with a lamp settled on its right, lighting the room. "Do you live here?" I don't hesitate asking.

"Yes, apparently." He replies, taking out the mysterious book and the hand lens.

"But, where do you sleep? I mean, where's your bed, or your bathroom?" I keep asking.

"Right on the corner." He indicates behind me.

I turn around, moving toward that direction, and a little bedroom shows up, with a tiny bathroom at it's left, and in front of the bed there's an old armoire made out of wood. That's it. No photos or furniture decorating the room. Everything is white and old.

"It looks like they don't treat you like a boss, either." I exclaim.

"Why would you think that?" He questions, curious.

"I don't know. Your job seems more important than mine." I explain.

"Pff. No person working for this family has to be considered important or lucky." His affirmation takes me by surprise. I've never heard more hurtful, but real words for ages. I'd like to ask him why he works here then, but he doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk about his life.

"Let's start." I take a seat at the desk in front of him, with the book and the hand lens on it.

"The first think we have to figure out is what this tool is." He says, pointing to the hand lens.

"I agree, but.. How?" I ask. He looks at me, thoughtful. The need to have answers right away is our goal for tonight, but how to figure them is the dilemma that will block us from getting them.

We keep staring at each other, absorbed in our thoughts. I force my brain to awaken those few neurons, and to make them figure out any a possible idea. I drum my fingers on the wooden desk, provoking more anxiety in the room than there already is. Jonathan starts to play with the hand lens, touching every part, ad positioning it in every possible position, by nothing seems to help us.

"Ugh! I start thinking this was a bad idea. It's just a waste of time!" He exclaims, throwing the hand lens on the huge black book. "Maybe we should just forget about it and take the back to where it was."

I open my mouth to say something, but I stop as something has caught my eye. I look closer to the hand lens, and I see a linear white form.. on the book.

"I'm sorry you had to sneak out for nothing. If you want, I can-"

"Shh!" I stop him. I can feel his confusion by my action, even though I'm not looking at him.

He seems to notice my lack of attention to his words, as it's captured by something else. "Why do you seem to captivated by that useless hand-" he stops as soon as he poses his eyes on the hand lens.

I feel his heavy breaths flooding the room, and I'm pretty sure he's noticed it, too. We remain petrified for a few minutes, with our eyes fixed on the white line on the hand lens that is on the book. Many thoughts flesh through my mind, trying to find an answer to what is in front of us, but none of them seem to give a reasonable explanation.

"Do you see what I'm seeing?" I break the silence. I know the answer perfectly well, but I still want to make sure I'm not dreaming it.

"Oh, I see it clear." He mutters, absorbed in his thoughts, too.

I get closer, hitting my head against his. I moan, "Ugh!" I moan, massaging my forehead. He look up, but he doesn't seem to even felt the hit. Is he okay?

"Jonathan?" I ask, suspiciously.

He takes some time before looking up at me. "I think I've found out the use of this senseless hand lens, Avelyn."

My eyes widen at his words. "What is it, Johnny the Smarty?" I hear a little giggle leaving his lips.

"I'm pretty sure you can figure it out on your own", I rise my eyebrow up, " but we don't have that much time."

I move next to him giving him all my attention. The thought of finally satisfying my curiosity makes my body shake in excitement. What a good feeling.

"Look carefully," He says, before placing his hand on the hand lens and moving it slowly on the book. The linear white figure disappears, being replaced by other.. letters? I get closer, analyzing every inch on them.

"This is why the book, as the others, seems empty! In order to read it, you need this hand lens. This means that there are things in them that they want to be hidden from the others, from us."

I absorb his words, careful not to let one out. "So, the book that we have in front of us may contain some secrets that we must not know for any reason." He continues.

I look at his frightened, but bright eyes before words fly out of my mouth, "what are we waiting for?"

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