The Elves' Forest

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"So are you two dating?"

"For the last time Ruj, I don't have a boyfriend." Ram sighed, pinching the top of his nose in frustration. He had just picked him up from school since his parents were preoccupied with preparing their week long holiday and already Ruj was bombarding him with questions. Next time he'd just tell his parents that he was too busy with university and Ruj would just have to take a bus or get a lift from one of his friends.

"But you spend so much time together and you're in his profile pic: you always smile when you read his texts, which you do constantly, and you actually put yourself in uncomfortable situations for his sake." Ruj elaborated. "You're clearly pining."

"What would you know about pining?" Ram scoffed as they entered the living room.

"Watching you pine over King is enough-MMPH!"

Ruj has been cut off as Ram instantly put his hand on his brother's mouth, as Ram has noticed his parents coming out the house.

"What are you boys doing now?" Their father called out as he and their mother packed their car.

"Just talking, Dad." Ram called putting in response, before shooting a death glare at Ruj and removing his hand.

"Don't tease your brother so much, Ruj." Their mother added in English. "He's already got enough with university work."

"I would never do such a thing," Ruj replied, smirking. "After all he's my noble older brother."

Ram grimaced. Once he spotted his parents finishing up packing, he got up.

"Alright, I'm off now."

"Wait a moment." His mother chimed in, stopping Ram exiting the house. "Len and his mother haven't arrived yet, and it's best not to leave Ruj alone in the house."

"I'm sure he can handle himself for ten minutes." Ram sighed. "He's sixteen and can take care of himself and the dogs- I don't see why he needs another adult babysitting him and Len."

"I know, but you know what Len's mother is like. She insisted on chaperoning when Len brought up the holiday."


Len's mother, Mrs Suwannarat, was a pain in the ass- an overbearing helicopter mother who didn't want her baby son to grow up. It was a miracle on Ruj's behalf that he managed to even have Len over. Ram pitied his younger brother for having to put up with her bullshit for an entire week. Mrs Suwannarat even tried to pull a fast one on Ram and tried to flirt with him once when he returned Len's gym kit that he left in school. He shivered just even remembering the incident.

Ram was snapped out of his daydream when his parents shut the boot door with a satisfying click.

"Okay Ruj, don't do anything we wouldn't do!" Their father announced as Ruj walked to the landing. "Be good to your guests and your brother."

"Yeah." Ruj replied, a large grin still on his face and turning to his brother. "I'll be good."

You can't get any worse than Dad, Ram thought to himself.

Their mother hugged both of them.

"Don't forget Ruj, food's in the fridge if Mrs Suwannarat's cooking isn't filling enough."

"Thanks, Mum."

Once she let go of them, their mother walked up to their father, who was about to head into the car.

"We'll keep in touch, so don't think we won't stop texting you!" He added.

Before they could open the doors, another car honked loudly outside of their house. A flashy, impractical red car, inhabited by a frustrated looking middle aged woman with poorly dyed roots and an exasperated teenager who looked as if he would've preferred to crawl into the depths of hell than sit next to the woman.

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