Chapter 2

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My father, Jim, isn’t one to worry, so he won’t worry too much, but my mother on the other hand, Louise, she worries about everything it doesn’t matter if it’s the slightest thing like where she put the dog food last week to where her missing daughter is. I don’t have any siblings, or friends for that matter, it’s just me and my imagination left to conquer the world I have a pet as well, a dog, his name is Piglet he is a longhaired miniature dachshund, he is only 3 months old and loves to snuggle with me. I really miss home, speaking of home I should find some refuge for the night and fast, mainly because I hate being out alone at night.

 I wonder around the outskirts of the town to try and find a motel or something like that but nothing, so I venture around the streets, after about half an hour I am getting really scared, petrified actually, I have never been out this late at night before let alone by myself. Finally after patrolling 10 street that all looked the same, more or less, and still nothing, but then I see something glowing in the distance it is a yellowish light and at first I think my eyes are playing tricks on me, I close my eyes and shake my head from side to side to try and get rid of the hallucination, but when I open my eyes again the light is still there so I decide to head towards it. When I finally reach the light I discover it is the light of a torch shining bright in the night then I see someone, a woman, gesturing me to go to her so I did and then she started pushing me inside saying something about a hideous monster and it’s going to get you.

 When I get inside, the person I thought was an adult was actually a girl, she was about my age, 16, and had blonde hair put in a high pony tail at the top of her head and fair skin. She introduced herself, her name was Sky, and she said there were two other people living in the house with her and now me. She told me to go off to bed and showed me my room, it was decorated gender neutral, and like she knew that someone would be joining them soon, she gestured to the bed, it had crisp, white sheets that looked like they had just come out of the dryer, I felt them, they had. Sky then gestured to a set of pyjamas folded neatly on the end of the bed and told me to get changed and go to bed otherwise I would be awake by myself, so I did as she said and got changed and went to bed.


Hey guys!! So I finally decided to update this and I am also going to enter this in the Wattys because I think it will be one of my best stories I have been working on this for months and I thought I would give the Wattys a shot!! Wish me luck!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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