Chapter 3

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I was Monday morning when Aizawa-sensei said he had something to announce. "Okay class, this is NOT my idea but as all of you have been through a lot, we are going to the Ice skating rink tomorrow. President Mic is going to be joining us as it was his idea. Skates will be supplied so just wear something appropriate. Everyone was happy and excited, even Bakugou but Midoryia wasn't. His thought was racing a thousand miles per hour trying to figure out what to do, should he even go? Or should he pretend he's Ill? Nobody had noticed the panicked state of the cinnamon roll apart from Aizawa. You see, Hizashi saw Ice skates in Midoryia's bag as it was open so he priced it together and asked All Might. Although at first, he seemed like he wouldn't tell, Hizashi had some blackmail so he used it, he wasn't happy about using it but he wanted the answer. Hizashi told Aizawa of his plan and so it started and by the way Midoryia reacted, they had hit the nail on its figurative head.  The bell rang and they were all getting ready to leave when Aizawa said "Problem child, can you see me at the end of the day." Midoryia nodded and left to go to Mic-sensei's class. Aizawa smirked and texted Hizashi that they got a reaction that proves his theory.

As the day progressed, Izuku had one question on his mind. 'Did Aizawa-sensei figure out?' Soon the last bell rang and they were allowed to leave. Izuku found his way to his homeroom and knocked on the door and opened it. Aizawa motioned to the desk in front of him. Izuku sat down and looked at his sensei, waiting for him to talk. "Why did you whole deminer change when I told the class we were going to an Ice rink?" Aizawa's tone had hints of confusion laced in it. They sat in silence while Izuku tried to find a good lie to tell him. "We don't have all day, problem child." Aizawa was growing inpatient. " I-I just have an f-fear that I-if I fell, Someone's skates w-will cut o-off my f-fingers." Izuku tried to stop himself from stuttering and tried to make his lie believable. "I know that's a lie. But if you won't tell me, once again, I won't pry." Those words sounded like music to his ears. Izuku nodded and was told that he was able to leave. He bumped into Mic before he left the room, he apologized and left the room.

" I wonder why he keeps Ice skating a secret that he doesn't want anyone to know, I don't get it," Mic said as he walked over to Aizawa. The raven-haired male shrugged his shoulders and pulled his boyfriend in for a kiss. It was quick and reassuring.

Izuku walked into his dorm and slumped against his door, he was unsure of what to do. After a few hours of planning and scrapping ideas of what to do, he decided to bring is skates and if anyone asks, he would say that he sometimes goes Ice skating with his mother. That sounds plausible, right? In Izuku's grey backpack, he placed his notebook, a few pens and pencils, a water bottle and a few snacks. He tied his skates to one of his straps and with that, he went to bed.

The next day he got dressed in black leggings with a pastel gree strip going up the sides of it and a white cropped hoodie, he also wore a pair thin black gloves. He wore black combat boots and placed a white flower crown on his head. Picking up his bag he left his room and headed to the kitchen where he packed his lunch and filled his bottle. Izuku also took $10 just in case he needed it and hit it in his bracelet. Most of the class we already in the common area when Izuku came down, few noticed his skates and asked about them. "Sometimes my mum drags me to the Ice rink with her." He stated as he ate his breakfast bar. Once they were all there, the whole class headed to class.

Izuku sat daydreaming while Aizawa went over the rules, soon Mic came in and told everyone that the bus was here. Everyone left and Izuku was last because if he went with everyone else, there was no doubt that someone would get hurt. During the ride there, everyone was excited but Izuku just put in his earphones and plated some music. Izuku felt someone poke his shoulder, looking up, Izuku saw that it was Mic. "Yes, Mic-sensei?" Izuku asked. "What songs are you listening to?" He asked, defiantly curious. " Anything and everything, my playlist is on shuffle," Izuku answered. Mic nodded his head. They ended up having a conversation until they got to the Ice rink. Everyone was allowed to put their things in a locker, which required 10p. Unlike the others, Izuku pulled out his keys and unlocked his locker, placing his shoes and bag in it and closing it. Placing his key in his bracelet and walked out, skates in hand. He was the first one out, apart from Aizawa and Mic, so he sat in the front row tieing his laces. Once they were laced, Aizawa and Mic left to rent themselves some skates so Izuku took this privacy to stretch. There was a clear space in front of the entrance to the rink itself so he stretched there. A few minutes later, Aizawa and Mic came back to see one of Izuku's legs resting on top of a chair as he stretched. "So, problem child. You have your own skates even though you're scared to go on the ice?" Aizawa asked, his signature smirk was on his face. " My mum drags me onto the ice often so she got me my own skates so we didn't have to wait in line every time." Izuku while stretching is arm across his torso. "hm" Was all he got in response. The class started to come in, most were wobbly on their skates. Izuku chuckles at this,'It will only get harder on the ice.  They let everyone on the ice and most are going really slowly and holding onto the side. Izuku really didn't like how slowly they were going so he started doing laps away from the edge. Izuku was starting to forget that his classmates were there so he started picking up the speed and turning the corners on one leg or with a pirouette. The music that was playing as he skated made him feel like he was alone on the Ice. Aizawa and Mic looked smug as Izuku started to lower his guard, they could tell he was going to do something when Bakugou used his quirk to gain Izuku's attention. "You damn nerd! Do you think you better than me?! You just a worthless Deku so don't try and play me! Fucking Deku!" Bakugou screamed. Although Izuku didn't show it, he was beyond pissed at that point. "Why don't we do a performance each and the rest of the class can decide who is better. How about it, Katsuki?" Izuku asked in a sweet innocent voice. Bakugou sweatdropped when Izuku didn't call him Kacchan and to make matters worse, the whole class and the teacher that were now on the Ice heard. "Alright. I'll go first because I'm better than you." Izuku nodded and helped his classmate off of the Ice so they could watch. While Izuku was over there, he asked Mic if he could press play once he is ready when it was his turn on the ice. Granted, Bakugou could skate backwards and do some other simple tricks, there would be no way that Izuku would let Bakugou say that he was worthless while also saying that he was better at ice skating than him, that was the last straw. Bakugou finished and everyone clapped, apart fro Izuku. Warming up by skating around the rink a few times Bakugou yelled at Izuku, "Get it done so people can know how much of a Deku you are!" Izuku took a deep breath and nodded at Mic who started to play the song. He skated graciously around the rink, twirling and jumping. Everyone was amazed and shocked. Once the song ended and Izuku was no longer clouded by anger, he realized his mistake. "U-um, sorry." Was all he could say. Everyone was confused by what he said. He was sorry, but for what. Their silence was cut short by Bakugou, sarcastically clapping. "You did this on purpose! You knew you were better than me so you made everyone watch as you beat me! You Mother Fucker!" Bakugou was about to continue before someone slapped him. And the one who slapped him stood in front of him, fuming. " Bakugou Katski," Izuku started. Bakugou knew he was in deep shit now, everyone knew. " You have the audacity to cum up to and say that- more like yell that?! Do you know why I started Ice skating?! Do you know how long I've been doing this?! How much do you actually know about me?! huh! All you care about is your reputation, ego and my fucking god, you stupid quirk!"By now, everyone's mouths were wide open. None of them expected the cute little innocent cinnamon roll to cuss or yell at his childhood best friend. "Remember the day you told me to, hm what was it? OH! Yeah - take a swan dive off of the roof? I almost did! Did you fucking know that? But I didn't because whenever you made me feel like shit, I came here. To the Ice rink. Not to mu non-existent friends, not to family and not to the one person I thought I could trust. No, I came here because at least here, It didn't matter if you had a quirk or not or what race you were. The people here accepted me, something you could never do. So don't ever come at me again about my skating because I might just take your advice, and I won't even find comfort in skating to try and convince me to keep going. Fuck you, Bakugou Katski." Izuku finished it with tears streaming down his face, he took one more look at Bakugou and saw no regret in his eyes, only anger. Izuku left the room, Aizawa and Mic following him. Aizawa turned around and said, "Go back to skating. And Bakugou, we will have a talk about this later." And with that, the doors closed.

Izuku was sobbing in the locker room. He felt his heartbreak and he knew that everybody now knows how broken he is. There was a hand being placed on his back, rubbing it slightly in a soothing way. He looked up and saw Mic whos face held a sad smile. Mic pulled him in for a hug, now Izuku was crying into the Mic's chest as Mic's hand was gently rubbing his back. Aizawa came in a few moments later to a scene that broke his heart. Aizawa pulled Izuku onto his lap, his face was still buried in Mic's chest. Izuku was being hugged by Aizawa and Mic was playing with his hair, he was able to calm down after a while. " 'm s-sorry" ended the comfortable silence that they had. "Problem child, stop apologizing. It's not your fault and you're not in trouble." Aizawa said as he continued to hug Izuku. "Yeah, Little listener. Don't blame yourself. But you did look amazing while skating." Mic assured Izuku. He brought his head up to look at him, Izuku's normally happy and joy-filled eyes were dull, lifeless and red. Mic gasped and pulled him into a tight hug. 'I feel safe here, with them.' Izuku thought as he hugged back. He leaned into Aizawa more, he was comfy and warm. Soon Aizawa, Mic and Izuku made their way back to the rink and Izuku explained everything to them but also said that he didn't want him expelled because he wanted Bakugou to be a hero and the past is full of mistakes, that's how we learn.

Once they got back to UA, Izuku had to talk to Nezu about it and when he finally got back to his dorm room, he collapsed onto his bed. Exhaustion taking over.



The video above is what I image Izuku doing, hope you enjoyed. Bai!



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