Sing lyrics and a$$holes

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I am not normally this mad, but u were the worst friend a ever had.

To a feel hoes. YOU KNOW WHO U ARE.

Don't u hate fake people. people who pretend to like u and be UR friend, and then when they find a new and better friend they just leave u. And when those people dis them they come running back to u.

Any body else's "friends" like that, my were.

Now for Christmas they r getting a straw so they can suck my ass.

What is UR definition of friends?

I think friends should always stick by UR side not leave u all the time u should be able to tell them everything .

I don't think friends are suppose to get u in trouble and make UR grades lower and ruin UR grades and change seats so they can sit next to someone else.

I had some friends lets call them ashole o,k,h,g

And I had to more friends
Tori and Leila.

We were like a group they were my "squad"

One day in school a teacher was like talking to a kid and I was taking to my "friend" and my friend was talking not me. so he said we were getting hwk and he changed my seat.

My "friends" asked why we all had hwk. he said we didn't only taht group and they said why ad he said bc u were talking. and my "friends" said no and pointed at me. he stopped and thought for a second then said I know that's why I'm lowering her conduct grade.

When u make new friends make sure they r reliable and trust worthy before u tell them ur deepest darkest secrets, I should've.

We live we learn right.

If u ever need to talk I'm always here I'm trustworthy and IK how to keep secrets so

Peace out , good morning or good night (depending on where u live)~liv Xx

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