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"This is your first class, math. You have the same class with me..." Kyungsoo checked Jongin's schedule again, "Oh! You have most classes with me! That's good. I can walk with you to your classes. Ah, your last class is dance?" Jongin nodded.

"Yeah, I really love dance. I feel like dancing is so relaxing and calming. I dream to become a dance teach-," Jongin blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't want to hear about my dreams."

"What? No, no. I'm interested in what you were saying. Tell me all about your dreams when we get to lunch, alright?" Kyungsoo patted Jongin's back. Jongin nodded and felt more comfortable around Kyungsoo as the time goes on.

They went into the math class after Kyungsoo showed Jongin the cafeteria and other places. They were late, but Kyungsoo explained to the teacher that he was just showing a new student around. The teacher nodded in understanding.

Kyungsoo sat in his seat and Jongin stood in front of the class. "I'm Kim Jongin. Please take care of me. Thank you." He bowed and the girls in the class was squealing and whispering to each other. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes mentally.

"Nice to meet you, Jongin. I'm Mr. Kim. You can sit next to..." Mr. Kim looked around.

"He can sit next to me!"

"No, he can sit next to me!"

"With me!"

Teacher, he can sit with me!"

Mr. Kim sighed in annoyance, but then his eyes lit up. "Jongin, you can sit next to Kyungsoo. Since he showed you around, you must be more comfortable around him." Jongin sighed in relief and nodded. He walked to the seat right of Kyungsoo and smiled at him. The girls in the class grumbled and whined.

"You're lucky, you know?" Kyungsoo smiled back and giggled. Jongin felt as if he can die right there in happiness.

The class continued without interruptions from the girls.

"Alright, class. We have a project! Yay!" Mr. Kim said sarcastically and the class groaned. "You guys get to choose who you want your partner to be. But you have to be partnered up in 2 minutes. When you're done with picking your partner, come up and I will give you your papers of instructions." Mr. Kim announced and everyone started to move and whisper.

Kyungsoo nodded at Jongin and Jongin nodded back. Kyungsoo went up and grabbed the papers and sat back down with Jongin.

The girls went to Jongin and tried to look "attractive".

"Hey, Jongin-oppa. Do you want to be partners for the project?" One girl with long red hair asked.

"No, oppa! Do you want to be partners with me?" Another girl with brown hair asked.

"What? No, oppa! Be partners with me!"

"No! With me, oppa!"

"Uh, no! With me!"

"No! He's mine!"

"No, he is not! He's not anyone's! I'm his partner. Now, leave!" Kyungsoo glared at the girls, who backed away and complained silently.

Jongin smiled at Kyungsoo when he turned back around. "Thank you, Kyungsoo. You really saved me there."

Kyungsoo grinned. "You're welcome. Do girls in your old school do that as well?"

Jongin nodded sadly, "Yeah, and it's so annoying. They never stop bothering me! Like, I say no and they would still follow me! Some would go so far to stalk me!" Jongin shook his head in disgust and disappointment.

Kyungsoo giggled, "Well, that must suck. But don't worry. I got your back now." Jongin looked at Kyungsoo with hope and happiness.

"Holy crap, you're too nice," Jongin grabbed his heart and fake cried. Kyungsoo laughed at the sight in front of him.

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