Chapter 6

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Emerald stops cold

Em: No! No! NO!

M: Emerald it's gonna be okay, we'll take care of this. Ben follow me, I'll explain on the way.

B: Explain what? I-

Mal pulls him away

Em: Evie you have to go distract my parents. I can't have them being provoked

Ev: I'm on it

Before she can leave Emerald starts to hyperventilate

Em: I- I- I (wheezing)

Ev: Oh no! She's having a panic attack

J: I'll get Harry & Grace.

Jay runs off to get them

Em: Evie- my-my parents

Ev: I'll go, be careful okay.

Evie runs to find Elphaba and Fiyero as Jay comes back with Harry & Grace

Gr: Emerald! Are you okay? What's the matter?

Em: She's here! Morrible's here

Emerald can't take it anymore, she drops her broom and sobs into Harry's chest

H: Don't cry my jewel, (Harry lifts up her chin and wipes away the burning tears from her eyes) It will be okay, we'll stop whatever she's planning.

Gr: I have to go tell my mom.

Grace runs off to find her mother

Em: Morrible is going to ruin our lives again! Why can't she just leave us alone?

Ben overhears this and he and Mal walk back over

B: I'm sorry, but is that what this is all about? Madame Morrible has always been so nice. She even served as one of my parent's advisors

Emerald takes a deep breath, picks her broom back up and walks away. Harry follows her.

M: Ben, there is more to her than you know, but it's not my place to tell you. Emerald and her parents will explain when they're ready.

B: I don't understand?

Before Mal can explain Elphaba and Fiyero walk up to them. Elphaba curtsies

El: Your majesty.

F: Mal, what's going on? Grace just talked to Glinda and she ran off in a huff

M: Elphaba, Fiyero I don't know how to tell you this, but Morrible is here.

Something in Elphaba snaps. She clenches her fists and they start to glow like fire.

El: Where's Emerald

Glinda walks over with Harry, Emerald, Grace, Uma, and Gil in tow

Em: I'm right here mom

U: What do you want us to do Elphaba?

El: Get Charity and Chistery out of here. We'll take care of Morrible

U: I'm on it

Gr: I'll come with you

The two take the monkeys and bring them to safety.

F: Fae, we should go.

El: No I'm not running, not again. Emerald doesn't deserve any of this.

Gl: Elphie, everything will be alright, I promise

Madame Morrible comes down the staircase behind Ben and Mal

MM: Don't make promises you can't keep my dear.

Morrible walks around the new King and Queen and walks closer to the group. Harry brings Emerald into his arms and Fiyero does the same with Elphaba. Glinda brings Jay, Gil, and Evie in close to keep them safe

El: What do you want Morrible?

MM: Can't I just come say hello to my old friends?

Emerald's hands start to spark, and Gil comes over to put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down

MM: Oh come on now, you wouldn't want to make a scene at this beautiful celebration now would you?

Now Elphaba's hand start to spark

El: Don't speak to my daughter that way!

At this point, a crowd is starting to form and Fairy Godmother walks over

FG: Is everything all right?

Gl: Of course Fairy Godmother, we're just having a civil conversation.

MM: Oh Glinda dear, I'm not quite sure that is possible when talking to Villians.

Beast: That's enough! I don't know what's going on here but I will not let my son's party be ruined, so whatever it is, it ends it now.

Belle, Beast, and FG walk away.

MM: Well I suppose I'll see you all later. Toodle loo

Morrible walks away and Grace, Uma, and the monkeys walk back over

El: I hate that woman

Gl: I think it's time I show you all my special surprise. It will cheer you up.

Ev: Ooh yay!

Carlos walks over with Dude

C: You guys are gonna love it

Charity walks over to Dude

Ch: Ooh! New friend!

Dude: Someone want to tell me why this monkey has wings?

Gr: Later. Come on Emerald, take a deep breath and let me show you what I have in store for you and your friends.

Em: Oh alright

Glinda and Grace bring the group over to an area next door to Evie's mini-castle, with a beautiful cottage.

Gl: Welcome to your new home!

Descendants 4: Wicked BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now