{"~Love at First Site~"}

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Karou's Perspective:

Ever since I was a kid, my twin brother, Hikaru, and myself, Karou, were always mistaken to be someone else. And by someone else, I mean each other since we were so identical. Of course, it's no one's fault for getting us confused for each other, but if it's greedy to want to be able to be know for who I am, then I'm as selfish as it gets.

Most of our classmates stayed away from us, while most of them try to befriend us cause we're the descent of a rich and wealthy family. And also cause we're so hot. Not an exaggeration, cause we are.

We're the Hitachin twins, and this is my story of love that I turned down after realizing I wanted it so bad.

{~"In Middle School a Year Ago"~}

We were alone again. And that was fine. It's not like we weren't asking to be alone, but it was free time, and Hikaru and I were sitting on our own by the window in our classroom.

We were playing a video game called "Danganronpa". It's a killing game or something like that.


That's when I noticed a girl come into the classroom. She wasn't in my class, and she wasn't well known to this grade. She must've been knew, cause I didn't know her.

"Here's the new schedule, sir." She said as she handed the teacher a clipboard. He nodded and took it out of her hands. She bowed and smiled. It looked so wide and real. She seemed so happy for some reason. 'Why?'

She looked at me by accident, and I looked back at her. I know she was probably looking at Hikaru, but he wasn't looking at her, but it seemed like her eyes were on me only.

She smiled and waved at me before walking away.

Once she walked out of the classroom, I felt something. It was as if she was looking through me. Like she knew something I knew without saying it. Why though? Why did she look like that?

"Hey?" Hikaru said making me look at him. "What's wrong? You were in a trance, or something." I felt my eyes widened as he said that realizing I was concentrating my gaze on that girl. That [hair colored] haired, [eye colored] eye girl who smiled at me without even knowing me.

I shook off the thought and smirk before saying "I'm fine, Hikaru. Just fine."

First Person's Perspective:

[Your name] [Last name]. A beautiful maiden that was kind and friendly. She took on many responsibilities on her own, even though her family was rich. She wasn't lonely, but she didn't have many friends. No, she's not upset that she's single, not even that she's confessed to girls as well, but- Yes, she's bisexual, but at this part of the story, that's not what is important.

She was a knew student at Ouran High School, and was going to her classroom. She was the first one there, so she was given the task of sending the work schedule for one of the classes. This class consisted of the Hitachin brothers. So when she gave the schedule to the teacher, she accidentally caught a glance at one of the Hitachin brothers. Hitachin Karou.

Although his twin and him were physically identical, she found him more...attractive then the other. She had no idea who he or his brother were, but despite that, she smiled at him as he looked back at her, and waved before leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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