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:: James Parker ::

Everyday constantly felt like a huge weight being put on my shoulders ever since my father left us. I am an only child but my mom constantly works to keep our family going, but this summer I've decided to finally get a job.

I've been working this past summer at a small pet shop and met one of my bestest friends, Julie, she's one of the best people I've ever met and I've been in love with her ever since she first helped us.

I am currently training one of our newest pups, a small bernese mountain dog, we've decided to name him Olly. I hear her chuckle when he starts going crazy.

"You need some help there? " She says, making her way towards us.

I look over and chuckle, "Maybe, I don't think Olly likes the training very much" I smile as she kneels down to pet him.

"That's understandable, if I was him I'd want to sleep all day" She giggles and gets up, letting him off his leash.

I laugh softly, "Wouldn't we all? " She turns to me and smiles, "How is your mom by the way, I've wanted to go and say hi."

I smile back, "She's been doing just fine, though I think she might be seeing someone."

She gasps and squeals, "No way! Really? I'm glad to hear that."

I shrug and run my fingers through my hair, "I don't know, I'm happy she's moving on but I still feel alone sometimes, and nothing will ever be the same."

She looks up at me and smiles sadly, "You aren't alone, you've never been alone." She then hugs me.

I hug back and smile, "I know, thank you" Just then her boyfriend, Matthew, decides to interrupt,

We hear him clear his throat and we instantly pull away and looks at him, "Am I interrupting anything? " He says,

"No! Of course not" She walks over to him and kisses his cheek as he nods and smiles, "You ready to leave? " He asks her, I turn back to get Olly hoping she'll say no,

Unfortunately for me, she nods and turns to me, "You wouldn't mind closing up, would you? " I shake my head and smile,

"No, of course not, go have fun" She smiles and walks out hand in hand with him, I grab Olly and walk inside, "Guess it's just me and you buddy"

I set him in his crate and walk to the front of the shop to see one my other best friend, Shawn, "Hey, whatcha doing here" I walk over and take a seat,

He looks at me and smiles, "Just wanted to come and say hi, I saw Julie on the way in" I nod, "Yeah, she's still going out with that guy."

He chuckles and smirks, "You're in love with her, " I look up at him and shake my head, "What? No I'm not!"

He laughs and shakes his head, "Even a blind person can see you are"

"Oh shut up, let's just go" I say and make sure everything is fine as I walk out closing up the shop and walking home with Shawn.

I bid him goodbye and walk inside my small apartment as I set my stuff down and sit down, I think about what Shawn said, I mean do I like Julie, of course I do, but am I in love with her, I don't know I guess I really haven't thought about it, I mean I've never thought about it because well she was taken,

I sigh and grab a glass of water, I walk towards the door when I hear knocking,

I open it and see Julie on the other side with tears running down her face, "Julie?! What's wrong? " I ask as she proceeds to hug me, "He broke up with me" I hear her say into my shirt,

I bring her inside and sit her down on my small couch, "What happened? " I ask as I hand her a cup of tea and take a seat next to her,

She takes it and sighs, "He said that I should stop talking to you because he sees the way you look at me, but I said that I wouldn't and he broke it off" She takes a small sip of the tea as I sigh,

"Damn, I'm sorry Juls, I didn't mean to ruin your relationship" I run my fingers through my hair and look at her,

She shakes her head, "Don't be, you didn't ruin anything , our relationship wasn't going well anyway" She sets the cup down and wipes her face, "Maybe it was time we broke up" She looks up at me and smiles softly,

I shift uncomfortably, not knowing what to say, "I guess so, I mean maybe if that's what you wanted or I guess not if you didn't want to, oh god I'll stop talking now-" All of a sudden I feel her lips against mine, at first I didn't respond since I was in shock but I kissed back then pulled away,

"No, I can't do this, I'm not going to be a rebound" I whisper and get up, she gets up as well, "You aren't a rebound! I've been in love with you ever since we met!" She goes quiet and sighs, "I thought you might've felt the same" She walks past me and goes to leave,

"I do, I really do Julie, you know I didn't realize I loved you until I saw you leave with Matthew" She stopped in her tracks and turned to me, "You do? You love me? "

I nod and chuckle, "Yes, yes I do" I walk to her and pulls her close to me, "I have loved you since we first met too" We both lean in and kiss once again, this time neither of us pull away.

:: A few weeks later ::

It's been a couple of weeks later and I managed to get a nicer place and Julie moved in with me, my mom got married to someone new and she's never been happier, I am now also expecting a little sister. We also decided to adopt Olly and we still have the pet shop up and running. After everything, Julie was right I've never been alone.

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I hope you enjoy the first chapter, I'm terribly sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm still currently working on my writing skills but as for right now this is as good as it's gonna get. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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