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Kelley's POV
First day at a new school, in a new city, and I know no one. I'm scared, to say the least. I've never been in a situation like this, my life has been pretty standard up until now but I guess when your dad says his job is moving him across the country, you all have to pack up your familiar home in small town Georgia and make the move with him. I know everyone says it's for the best but right now I just feel scared and alone and honestly a little angry. I'm about to start my junior year and all I want to do is finish out high school with my best friends and soccer team like we were supposed to, but instead I'm here in Utah and I have to start all over again.
I hear my mom yell from downstairs, "come on Kel! It's time to go, you have to make a good first impression!"
"Coming!!" I yell back. I look at myself in my mirror one more time to make sure I look at least a little bit cool, grab my backpack and head downstairs and out the door with my mom. Normally I'd just walk to school, the drive is only 5 minutes but she insisted that she would go in with me and make sure I was settled.
The car ride was pretty quiet, which is unusual for me as I'm generally a talkative person. I know she can tell I'm not happy but doesn't really know what to do about it. She opens her mouth to try to talk a few times but stays silent until we are parked outside of my new school, West Side High School. She finally says "You know your dad and I love you Kel, so much, and I know this isn't what you wanted and I know it seems a intimidating right now but promise me you'll give it a good go and know that  I'll always be here for you"
"I know mom" she looked at me a little sad, "I love you too," she smiled and I smiled back before our moment was broken by everyone bustling around outside.
We got out of the car, walked up the front steps and found our way to the main office. A secretary looked up at us as we walked in, "how can I help you?" She asked.
"Uh hi, I just transferred here, my name is Kelley O'Hara." I look to my mom for reassurance and she nods back.
"Ah yes Kelley! It's wonderful to meet you! I'm Ms. Harrow! I have a school map, some info papers and your schedule here, let me grab them and I can show you to your first class to get you oriented!" Wow this lady has a little too much pep for me right now but I'm thankful she's helping me. She hands me all of the papers in a folder and gets up from her desk. I look at my mom who has been waiting silently behind me and give her an 'I'm going to be okay, you can go now look' she smiles back at me and gives me a hug after thanking Ms.Harrow for taking care of me. "No problem at all!" Ms.Harrow chimes back.
"Love ya Kel, I'll see you after"
"Bye mom, love you" she squeezes my hand once more before leaving the office.
"Alrighty Miss Kelley, lets get you to that first class!" We aren't walking for long but we've gone though three sets of doors and have made at least 4 turns before we arrive at my first class, Ms. Harrow was talking the whole time, pointing out the bathroom and different rooms along the way and I can only hope to remember some of them, I couldn't really hear her over all the people in the hallway but I really don't want to get lost so I tried my best, getting lost would make this day just that much worse.
"Okay Miss Kelley, here we are, this is your English class and your locker should be the third one from the left of the door! Remember you can come back to the office if you have any issues or questions okay?" I nod and she smiles and starts making her way back to the office. I figure I should probably open up my locker and put some of my things in it that I don't need right now. When that's done I look into the open classroom door, take a big breath and then walk in. The teacher looks up at me and smiles big, "you must be Kelley, please take a seat wherever you'd like" I smile back and turn to face the rest of the room where all eyes are on me. Once I spot an empty seat I drop my gaze low and take it, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, I just take my notebook and pencil out of my bag and look down at it until I hear a voice. "Hey, I'm Tobin" I look up and find the girl attached to the voice who is sitting next to me. She's tan, fit, pretty and is giving me a warm smile.
"Oh uh hi, I'm um Kelley"
"Hi Um Kelley, it's nice to meet you" I laugh and she chuckles a little and smiles at me "I can assume it's your first day as I've never seen you before and you look a little nervous" she continues
"Uh yeah it is, and yeah I am" I reply honestly
"Well consider me a friend, we can get through this day together"
"Thanks" is all I can get out before our teacher starts talking.
It was a pretty boring first period, he mostly just explained what we were going to do for the year, Tobin looked over at me a few times and made bored faces which made me laugh a little each time and it made it better. Once he finished talking she looked up at me and asked to see my schedule. "aw no way dude!"
"What?" I ask a little surprised
"We have 3 of 4 classes together today and then 2 tomorrow!"
"Yep! I guess you're really stuck with me now"
"I guess so" I say with a smile forming on my face, I like Tobin already, I think she and I could definitely be good friends.
We walk to our next period together and she starts explaining little things about the school and how it works. She also tells me a bit more about herself and we have quite a few things in common. We both like to surf (which is ironic considering neither of us have ever lived near the ocean), she really likes food, and she's on the soccer team!
"Can you tell me more about the soccer team?" I interrupt her
"Yeah do you play?" She asks
"I did in Georgia" I reply
"Well are you any good? We are always looking to add to the team and tryouts are next week!" She says starting to get excited
"Really? Awesome, I like to think I'm pretty good" I say a little shy although I know I was the best outside back my old school had seen in years.
"Well then I can't wait for tryouts to see! At lunch I normally sit with my friends from the team so you can come and meet them"
"That would be awesome, thanks Tobin" I respond calmly although on the inside I'm both nervous and excited, hopefully they'll like me and want to be friends with me.

We sit through our next class until the bell goes to signal for lunch and Tobin leads me to the cafeteria.
We go through the doors and I am immediately overwhelmed by the noise and the shear amount of people, this school is definitely a lot bigger than my old one. Tobin notices I'm a little on edge and gives me a look of reassurance before leading me to a table of about 10 girls. "Tobin!" A couple of the girls yell
"Hi everyone!" She says back. The rest of the girls turn to face us and look me up and down and then turn to Tobin expectantly. "Oh right" she starts, "this is Kelley! She's new here and is looking to join the team!"
"Oh awesome!" A girl with long brown hair replies and every one else smiles and says hi. They start shuffling down to make room for Tobin and I. She sits down, looks to the girl next to her and kisses her cheek then looks back to me, "so I guess some introductions are in order! This right here is Christen Press, she's a forward and also my girlfriend, I know she's beautiful so don't even think about it" Tobin says getting protective, christen just smiles at me and hits Tobin's arm lightly
"Noted" I respond with a wink
"Moving along we have Alex, Allie and Ashlyn, three of my very best friends. Alex is a forward, Allie is a mid and ash is a keeper. Ali Is next to her, she's a defender, also Ash's girlfriend. Then there is Lindsey who plays mid and next to her is Emily, she's a defender too and most people call her sonnet. They're both sophomores" I'm looking at each girl as Tobin continues to talk about them all, I'm trying hard to remember all of their names, hopefully these girls will become my new friends. Tobin keeps going, "next we have Abby a back, And Sam and Rose, who are both mids and all three of them are sophomores too. Oh and next to them is Carli, she's our captain and-" she stops as I look around the table at all of them who are laughing and talking to each other and then my eyes fall to the end of the table, I don't know how I didn't notice her before but she is beautiful. Wow. Tobin follows my gaze towards the tall girl then looks at me again "and that my friend, is Hope Solo, a keeper and our best one at that, but don't tell Ash I said that or she'll probably have my head" she laughs and I give her a half hearted one back still staring at Hope which Tobin picks up on. "She's a pretty tough one to crack, only Carli really knows her well" Tobin continues, "she keeps to herself for the most part off the field but on it she's explosive, anyhow, that's everyone here and I'm sure you'll meet the rest of the team soon, most of us wear our shirts around and you'll definitely see them at tryouts"
"Thanks" I reply and we continue into a conversation with Alex, Allie and Christen on all sorts of random things for the remainder of lunch.

The rest of the day goes by a little quicker than the morning and I had a couple of the girls I met at lunch in my last two classes which was nice. I walked home after school to find my mom waiting for me in the kitchen. "Hi Kel!" She cheers as I walk through the doorway "how was your day hun? Tell me all about it!"
I let her know about how I thought I would get lost but met Tobin and the rest of the girls who are all on the soccer team and she could tell I was beginning to like this new place. "Oh honey that is so wonderful, thank you for giving it your best and I'm so happy you met some new friends!"
We chatted for a little while longer and when dad came home we had dinner and eventually retired for the night. I laid in bed thinking through the day that I just had and it seemed a little weird to me that a certain keeper kept popping up in my thoughts. I don't know what that is all about but I definitely know that I find her so intriguing and I just want to know more about her. I drifted off to sleep with thoughts of her swirling around my head.

Hi everyone! This is my first time writing anything really, let alone a fic, but I thought I'd give it a go because I kept thinking it could be something fun to do! I know this started off pretty slow but I will try to pick it up a bit as I go along :) Thanks to anyone who is reading!
This will mostly be about newer players with the exception of a few (ie. Hope) so I hope you are down with that
Have a great day <3

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