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Kelley's POV
'Wednesday! Finally!' I thought as soon as I opened my eyes. The team list comes out today and I really hope my name is on it! It's only been like a day but it has felt like a long time. I'm pretty sure my mom is sick of me talking about the tryout and the list but this is the most excited I've been about anything in a while so I don't think she minds too much.

Tobin told me that the list would be posted on the gym door once Ms. Ellis has finalized it. I checked the gym as I walked in to school but it wasn't up yet. Tobin and I had to walk past it again on our way to second period but no luck. We checked again on our way to lunch and saw some other girls there too but still nothing.
"I guess Ms. Ellis did say by the end of Wednesday..." Alex said as we sat down for lunch
"Well yeah but I was hoping we would be able to know by now so I wouldn't have to think about it all day and I could actually focus in class" Tobin replied
"Tobs we all know you've already made the team" Chris chimed in
"Yeah dude, your footwork is unrivalled! Allie added
"Okay but you never know, there's a lot of good players!" Tobin comes back
"Yes but babe," Christen continues, "you're great and besides we all know you would rather be thinking about soccer than school anyway" We all laughed and Tobin blushed and went back to eating her lunch.

"Okay it's got to be up now right?" I look to Alex as the final bell rings
"Well I suppose it should be unless Ms. Ellis is playing a cruel joke on us"
"Well I guess we should go look then" I say, now feeling anxiety creep through me a little
"Yes lets go!"
We make our way back to the gym doors for the fourth time today and we can see a few girls walking away from the doors, some smiling and others disappointed. There was probably about 35 girls at tryouts and only 20 make the team. Finally Alex and I get to see the simple piece of paper taped to the door with 20 names printed on it. I scan it nervously.

'Girls soccer team'
Tierna Davidson (D, 9)
Mallory Pugh (F, 9)
Morgan Brian (M, 10)
Abby Dahlkemper (D, 10)
Lindsey Horan (M, 10)
Rose Lavelle (M, 10)
Samantha Mewis (M, 10)
Alyssa Naeher (GK, 10)
Emily Sonnet (D, 10)
Ashlyn Harris (GK, 11)
Tobin Heath (F, 11)
Julie Johnston (M, 11)
Ali Krieger (D, 11)
Allie Long (D, 11)
Alex Morgan (F, 11, Captain)
Kelley O'Hara (D, 11)
Christen Press (F, 11)
Carli Lloyd (F, 12, Captain)
Becky Sauerbrunn (D, 12)
Hope Solo (GK, 12)
'First practice will be on Monday after school'

"Ah yes!" I turn to Alex who is giving me a huge smile. I feel myself breathe out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I made it.
"I knew you would make it! Coach was really interested in you at the tryout!"
"Really? Well I hope I don't let her or you down Miss  junior captain!" She blushed turning back to the sheet again as to confirm what she saw.
"I didn't know coach was actually going to go through with it. She talked to me about it a little while ago saying 'it might be good to get in experience for next year' but said she was still deciding if she just wanted to stick to her usual senior co-captains or bring me in."
"Well she chose you in the end so you must be pretty special to be above the other senior that it was supposed to be!"
"Yeah I guess so, but I think it was Hope and I don't want to be anywhere near here when she finds out" Alex trailed off looking around the hallway.
"Oh?" I questioned, "I think she'd be happy for you? No?" I have thought very highly of Hope since I laid eyes on her but I honestly didn't know her very well.
"She will probably be fine later, but she has a very short fuse when it comes to bad news and she kinda scares me, I'm not going to lie. You saw her in goal did you not?"
"Yes I guess she can be a little scary," I say "but I think it will-"
"Let's go!" Alex's says as she grabs my arm "she's at the end of the hall with Carli"
Alex and I rush down a different hallway back to my locker.
"I am actually so excited you're on the team with all of us, I just have a really good feeling about all of it!" Alex exclaimed now back to her usual happy self as I begin to get my stuff out of my locker.
"Me too!"
"I should be getting home but I'll text you later tonight, I have your number right?"
"Um yep I think I gave it to you last week"
"Right of course! I think I want to make a big group chat! I have a couple small ones with some of the girls but none all together"
"And all without me!" I gasp dramatically and look at her fake hurt, though she thinks I'm being serious and looks apologetic "Alex I'm just kidding, I've only been here a week and a half, I assumed it would just happen eventually" I smile big to show her I'm actually okay. She lightly hits my arm and chuckles.
"Well I'll definitely add you to the one I'm making, I promise" she grins and I smile back "ah I do really have to get home but I'll see you tomorrow!" she waved as she walked down the hall toward the front of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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