Vulnerability (Part I)

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Schwoz was down in the Man Cave, working on one of his newest invention when Ray came running down the steps from behind the sprocket, grabbing hold of Schwoz's shoulders, "SCHWOZ!!" he yelled, pulling him close to him, their faces only an inch away.

"IYE!" Schwoz was startled, trying to pull away from Ray's face. "What is it Ray?"

Ray's eyes widened and he stared down Schwoz, "Have you seen Henry??" he asked, panicked.

Schwoz pushes Ray off him and took two steps back, dusting his shoulders off. "You need to chill out Ray. Henry said he would be a few minutes late, remember?" said Schwoz.

"Oh, right." he laughed, walking to the man couch and sitting down on it. "Off you go then Schwoz." Ray said, shooing Schwoz away.

His eyes grew sad and his head dropped down, "But I want to see Henry!"

"Beat it, Schwoz!!" Ray yelled back, turning around to face Schwoz, pointing a closed fist ag him. "Move it!"

"IYEEEE!!" he yelled, running up the steps and through the sprocket door.

Ray sighed and turned to face the elevator door. It wasn't unusual for Henry to be late, at least not recently, so Ray wasn't too worried. Or so he thought.

The elevator slammed down, and the door slid open, showing Henry using his hands to push himself up off the floor. He wobbled as hell walked towards the couch, letting his body fall onto the soft cushion.

"Where have you been?? I called you over an hour ago saying there was an emergency!!" Ray said, raising his voice.

Henry didn't look Ray in the eye, instead looking down at his feet, spacing out. "I was busy, Ray, but I'm here now so let's go."

"Hey kid, is everything alright?" Ray asked, watching as the kid before him was unable to make eye contact.

He kept looking at his feet, but responded, "Yeah, I'm great Ray. Let's go."

Henry quickly got off the couch, reaches in his pocket for his gum and pops one into his mouth, blowing a bubble. The green rays surround him, and vanishing, leaving him standing as Kid Danger. He ran up to the tube pad and pushed his belt buckle, the tube falling down around him.

Ray quickly followed, blowing his own bubble, the rays surrounding him, leaving him standing as Captain Man. He runs up to the other tube pad, tapping his belt buckle, and yelled "Up the tube!"

The tube sucks both Ray and Henry up, the tubes retracting as they disappeared up the tube lines.


Captain Man punched his way through the glass and Kid Danger followed behind him, walking through the broken window.

As they walked up, they saw two men trying to rob the store, the ownder cowering in the corner where one of the men where threatening them to give them what they wanted. "I said I wanted the pink roses, so give them to me!! Or else you'll be sorry, you hear me??" The man yelled, putting his fist up.

Captain Man walked up behind the man and grabbed their fist, using it to turn them around and he used his free hand to punch the man in the face, sending him stinking backwards. "I don't think so, you flower stealing jerk!" Captain Man yelled, walking towards the first robber and grabbing him by the collar, "Don't you dare move."

Meanwhile, Kid Danger walked up to the second robber who was trying to take the money from the cash register. He tried to sneak up on him, but lost the element of surprise when he stepped on a squeaky floor board. The robber turned around and gasped. They ran towards Kid Danger and before they could reach him, the kid swept his leg out, the robber falling onto the ground and hitting his back.

Henry Danger One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now