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"So exactly how is this hitman guy even going to know how or where to find you two in the middle of Korea's largest city?" Yongsun asks, her brow furrowed in confusion as she watches Byulyi suit up in the bedroom. Seokjin is on a phone call with Yoongi somewhere else in the safehouse. "You're not going to wear all black or anything like that?"

"What?" Byulyi turns to peer at the older in her own confusion, the shirt she was planning on putting on still hanging loosely around her arms.

"You know..." Yongsun waves her hand around in an abstract manner. "You're a hitwoman and everything. Don't you need to put on some all black badass assassin outfit like they do in the movies?"

"... Exactly how long have you been an underground doctor again?"

"I'm serious!" Yongsun whines as Byulyi laughs at her. "I'm never out on the field, I just patch people back up during the aftermath."

"And do any of the people you patch back up wear all black when you see them?" Byulyi asks teasingly as she runs a hand through her long tousled hair to pull the couple of strands still tucked under her shirt.

Yongsun pauses. "N- No... But they're probably not even hitmen! I'm pretty sure most of my clients are from some mafia group or some street gang. And it's not like I can ask them. The only reason why they even trust me is because I don't ask questions. You can't rat anyone out if you don't know anything. Do you guys really not wear all black on your hits?"

"Unnie, you've been watching too many movies," Byulyi snorts in amusement. "Just because we're supposed to stay in the shadows doesn't mean we wear all black. The only reason the people in the movies do that is because it's always dark out in whatever scene they film, and black is what blends in at nighttime. Being a hitwoman isn't just about finding someone and taking their life. It's about surveillance, tailing your target to get a sense of their routine, when they're most vulnerable for the hit."

"So what you're saying is that you could become a private investigator with gifted stalking skills as a side hustle if you wanted to?" Yongsun crosses her arms and shakes her head. "Damn. The best I'd be able to manage after retiring is a grocer or something lowkey."

"You have two doctorates and your retirement plan is to become a grocer?" Byul raises an eyebrow.

"Nevermind that, the plan is still in the works and subject to change anyways, knowing my personality. What were you saying about all your surveillance shit and everything?"

"Well, in order to do all that, you can't get caught." Byulyi says matter-of-factly. "That's why what I need to wear isn't some all black outfit that will be memorable to people the police question after the hit's done, it's something that'll blend in."

"You want to be as forgettable and unassuming as possible," Yongsun nods in understanding. "As though you were never there."

"Exactly. Which is why whoever it is that's after Seokjin is a terrible hitman."

Yongsun frowns. "Okay, you've lost me again."

"The worst mistake a hitman can make is to let their target become aware of them and their intentions." Byulyi explains. "You lose the element of surprise and it becomes a hell of a lot harder to get the target back into that unguarded state once they know someone's after their life. Not impossible though, of course. If that guy wanted to take Seokjin out then he should've done it when we were at the Hwa:telier, that was his best chance. Now that we know he's monitoring us and desperate enough to open fire in public to complete his assignment, we can take that carelessness and use it to our own advantage."

"Oh my god, you're going to bait him," Yongsun purses her lips and exhales sharply. "You guys are scary as hell, you know that?"

"I'm quite positive Seokjin's a lot more scared of you than you are of him," Byulyi chuckles. "You still think he's lying to me?"

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