Part 1

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Dis is about my friend Robyn cuz he said something about writing a fanfic about him and i said yes


You was an average student at dogondo high, with straight a's and a few friends. You noticed Robyn was sitting with a few random hobos at a lunch table at lunch at lunchtime. You noticed how he's been looking over at you with his beautiful marble color changing eyes, as if he was daydreaming about fantasies of you. You walk over to his table and ask to sit down.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" You ask with a smile. He looks up at you. "Actually yeah, but i'll scoot them down they won't mind." He yeets the lunchpail over to another area and pats the seat. "Sit."

"So, who are you guys?" You ask the group of strangers. "MY NAME IS ZACH OOGA BOOGA." He looks like he drinks pee. "I'm Taewoo." Taewoo said. "Whats up, im Dylan and i like jello" he says as he slurps the jello. "My name is Mia, kono dio da." That was utter cringe but iMMA LET IT SLIDE IMMA LET IT SLIDE- "Yo i'm Cherish uhhhh." Everyone else introduced themselves and you did too.

"Are you new here cause i never see you anywhere?" Mia says. "Kinda. I've been here for a few months." Im surprised he hasn't noticed me. "Huh. That's cool." Robyn turns to you and says "I'm glad you're here. I knew she was here, she was just so quiet I couldn't talk to her without feeling embarrassed."

Lunch was over and it seemed faster than before, you were laughing so hard. They were absolutely chaotic. Zach stuck a wet pocky mia bit off of in Taewoo's mouth and he ate it. Also Dylan choked on his Jello. It was fun. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, i was wondering if you could sit with us tomorrow? I mean, not cause i like you or anything, Baka." It was Robyn. "Sure! I'd love to."

Let's just pray everything will go ok.

Tomorrow came, and Robyn met you in the walkway before class with Mia. "Oh hey Y/N!" She says with a huge smile. "Come walk with us upstairs." You three were walking to your classes laughing and you figured out you & Robyn have all the same classes together. The more time with him, the merrier. I can see us being great friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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