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You nearly cried as you stared at the cocky man beside you in the moving truck.

"are you gonna cry baby girl? ", he asked in his annoying voice.

You ignored him and continued to wrap your arms around yourself. It was really cold because you two are in an ice-cream truck and the low temperature needed to preserve the shapes of the ice-cream was sucking the oxygen out of you.

You've been in the moving truck for about 20minutes already and you were beginning to wonder when it would stop or if it would stop at all. The man beside you however didn't seem to give a care. Why would he?. He was in a jacket and some pretty cosy looking pants and combats. You were only in skinny jeans and a crop top.

He smiled to himself when your teeth began to chatter slightly.
"I don't think you can reject my help any longer", he whispered

"if your help means me being pressed against you for the rest of this godforsaken ride to Zeus knows where, then no thanks", you replied before shivering slightly.

Was it you or was the temperature dropping even lower.
"if you don't wanna die, get into the jacket ", he ordered.

You ignored him and slipped your hands through your blouse rubbing your tummy to keep you warm. Did it work?. Just a little.

He rolled his eyes.
"suit yourself ,but if you wind up sick don't blame me"

"I don't think I need to blame you, you're the reason we're stuck here in the first place"

For the rest of 25 minutes, you shivered as ice began to form on your face and clothes, your chattering got louder and worse. Jungkook however was sound asleep and you wondered how he could sleep at a time like this. He definitely looked warmer and for a second you actually wanted to forget your pride and jump into his jacket and share it like he offered.

And then you remembered the reason you were locked in here without your cell phone. You clutched your hands together and blew some air onto them instead. They were frozen and you couldn't move them. Your tired body wanted some rest but you just couldn't sleep, it was too darn cold. There was shuffling and you turned to find Jungkook awake.

"are you trynna kill yourself? ", he asked even as he pulled you close, so close you actually felt the warmth his body was giving off. He slipped you underneath the jacket and you sighed as you relaxed into it. Jungkook smiled when your eyes immediately closed and you fell fast asleep.

Minutes later, the car stopped and he heard the lock rattling as the person on the other end struggled to open it.
Jungkook picked you up gently as soon as the door opened, grabbed a tub of ice-cream and walked out. He handed the man some money before looking around his surroundings.

Jungkook knew one thing. It was far from the city.

He pulled out his phone and only realised it was almost dead. Great, what was he supposed to do with you in his arms?. The truck had already began to pull away when a brilliant idea suddenly occurred to him.

He could allow the driver take you back to the city or he could allow him drive away.

You woke up in a shabby looking shack.
Where the hell were you?, you wondered. You thought you were maybe stuck in some kind of a dream and then you saw his face.

Jeon Jungkook had a tub of ice-cream in his hand and sulking on a plastic spoon, obviously enjoying himself.

You pushed away from whatever you were lying on and grabbed the ice-cream. He raised an eyebrow and handed you a spoon.
"you know, you should try to be a polite person then maybe I can try and act civilized with you", he said. Ignoring him, you continued to eat the ice-cream.

After filling your stomach to saturation point, you turned to him with a scowl.
"where are we? ", you asked

"stuck in the middle of nowhere ", he replied nonchalantly.

You groaned in frustration at his behavior. Why was he so calm if you two were indeed stuck in a shack somewhere far from civilization?

"Jungkook..... Tell me how we ended up here! ", you shouted feeling a tad bit scared.

"okay calm down. I don't know how we ended up here. All I know is we woke up here"

"are we being kidnapped? ", you asked in fear.

"no I don't think so.... I mean there isn't anyone here apart from us", he said

"how do you know? ", you asked him suspiciously

"just forget that. It's already night and my phone battery is dead. So instead of worrying about how we got here....worry about how we're gonna spend the night"


"fine", you agreed.

"so how are we gonna spend the night, the forecast predicated lower temperatures as we near winter", you looked at him and he was already pulling out two blankets.

Something was definitely suspicious. You squinted your eyes at him.
"I saw these lying in a box in the corner along with these", he pulled out a chocobar.

"wanna share? ", you smiled at him

Jungkook rearranged one blanket on the floor and sat down patting beside him. You crawled onto it and grabbed the half-eaten chocobar in his hand.

He smiled and kissed your cheek.
"so.... You hungry? ", he asked

You were famished but you doubted you'd have anything to eat out here so you shook your head.

"Tada!!!!!......", you saw a box in his palm.

"Jungkook how did you get that? ", you asked

"well I spent the last battery ordering this pizza", he said proudly.

You wanted to facepalm right now because you were beyond outraged.
"you ordered for pizza instead of calling for help?. You could have gotten someone to pick us up or send for a car, a jet.... Anything. Gosh you're so unbelievably wise", you scoffed.

Jungkook scratched the back of his neck.
"so.... You're not gonna eat? ", he asked hesitantly.

You rolled your eyes. Might as well eat than starve yourself over his stupidity. You grabbed a slice and bit into it.

Once everything was gone, you laid down and pulled the other blanket over your body. Jungkook pulled you close cuddling you.

"the blanket is really small and I'm a big man and the temperature will get low we need to keep each other warm in order to not die"

That was the excise he gave and you really didn't care much.

Jungkook smiled as he stared at the man standing in front of him. He gave the man some money and watched as a smile popped on his face. Money was indeed everything.

"you know what to do", the man swiftly nodded and walked away.

Jungkook smiled as the man handed him some blankets and a box of pizza.

"make sure to take her phone", Jungkook ordered,
"yes what about the phone I asked for? "

"everything's here", the man said.

"great!.... All that's left is to lure her to the truck like we discussed "

The man nodded and walked away.

Did y'all freeze yet?

Cos there are some shocking revelations cumming up.

Oh btw my favourite characters in legends of Chamberlain Heights are Montreal Cummings and Tupacra 😂.

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