Hooking up With Luke

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Okay this is for my close friend @Skywatch she is so funny and thnx so much for being my inspiration!

You were waiting for your chance to meet your favorite band 5 Second of Summer, you loved all of them but Luke was by far your favorite. Ypur mom had scored you some awsome seated tickets and some backstage passes, which you stoked about! When you heard the door open you turned aroumd ro see the boys walking in with huge grins on thier faces, you were wondering if Ashton had cracked a joke or something.


"Hi, I'm Ashtyn." You fwlt ypur face getting red, which you hated but you didnt care at this point.

"Oh, twinners!!" You laughed at how they could turn anything into a joke.

~Not gonna s a y what the conversation cause Im lazy, sorry Ashtyn~

You visit went well but Luke kept staring at you. You werent complaning, bit it was starting to get wierdly frequent. So you texted your friend that you were almost outside, but suddenly a security guard stopped you and said tha Y you need to come with him immediately. You were worried if they found out that it was you dound out the boys's phone number, but you kept quite until he opened a door and you were put into a room. You waoted for what seemed a long time as you prepared to leave someone opened the door. Luke.

"Umm, is everything okay?"

"Well I needed to talk to you." He saod letting his accemt show off, which you loved.


"About Im sorry if I might haved creeped you out earlier by staring, its just that your so beautiful." You felt that blushing feeling again, but again you didnt care, he made you feel special. Even if it sounds cliché becaise he is famouse, it was something differently.

"Thank you, and you kno-" You were cut off by Luke smashing his lips onto yours. You didnt deny that you kissed back, you were loving this and so was he. Next thing you knew he just walked away you were about to ask where but he came back to you. You saw outta the corner of your eye tjat he had locked the door. You smiled, he laughed a little, but he just stayed there looking at you and kissing you slowly. Then it got more heated. ;) ;) ;)

That is how you and Luke Hemmings became boyfriend and girlfriend for three years now.

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