Late-night urges

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          She found herself growing impatient, her fingers drumming on her desk. She whipped her head around, hearing a loud crash. "God what the fuck is it with that ring light... swear to god this house is haunted."  

         Picking up after the mess caused by the fallen light she brushed her hair back. Exhaling deeply she thought  "I need to calm down." She picked up a makeup brush and opened her palette. The question lingered on her mind, "What look am I doing today?" She sighed deeply, she knew what she wanted to do. No no... what she needed to do. Her hands shook as she looked in the mirror. The orange blue and white called out to her. "Calm down Liz, you're fine, you're okay."

   She waved her hand dismissively, "Blue never looked good on me anyway" she mumbled. She shut the palette lid violently. She couldn't take it anymore. This wasn't fair, she knew it was wrong, unhealthy, but how could she resist. She felt her self control slip out of her shaking hands. 

"Y'know what? I can deal with this, I've dealt with worse before." She steeled her nerves and opened her phone. Tiktok could help, couldn't it? That's right, she could go on a live to distract her from her thoughts. She hopped on live and said under her breath "I hope this works..." She searched through the comments desperately to find something to bring her mind away from the topic that ravaged it. She gave out her usual canned responses "Yes I live in Arizona", "No I don't speak Spanish", "For eyeshadow do... pink."  

She felt her mind being lifted away, this was actually working. She let out a deep sigh of relief, as she scanned through the comments once again. Then she saw it, her eyes immediately being drawn to the comment. 

"I'm feeding the kids in my basement tide pods." Her eyes grew wide as she saw the comment, she refused to acknowledge it. Her breathing grew uneven, her eyebrows knit together. She then watched as the chat moved further and further up until she couldn't see it anymore.

"Out of sight out of mind Liz, it's fine, you're okay," she thought to herself. She readjusted herself and began playing Minecraft again. She found that the momentary lapse of conscience had caused her to lose her way. "You've got to be shitting me, I lost my house." She groaned as she rolled her eyes. Looking back at the chat she felt panic start to rise.

"Tide pods?" 

"Tide pods oh my god I love those"

"Mmmmm the crunch of tide pods is exquisite"

This could not be happening to her. She forced a laugh and looked at the clock. It was 2 am, prime hours, she couldn't believe she'd been on live for so long. "Hey it's getting pretty late guys, I think I'm gonna hop off live, good night," She said, abruptly ending the stream. 

That was the last straw. After seeing mention after mention of them she felt herself becoming unraveled. She threw her phone at the wall, seeing she had been added to a group chat entitled "Tide pod religion." That was it. Liz was done. She was done with pretending. She was done playing games. She was done. She sprinted to her room at top speed, wheezing when she reached her destination. 

She reached under her bed to find a large orange container. Her fingers traced the lid, "I've waited all day for this... surely a couple couldn't hurt, right?", she whispered to herself. She opened the lid with a satisfying pop. She inhaled deeply, the intoxicating scent caused her breath to become ragged and shaky. It was strong, chemical, unmistakable. It was tide pods.  

Bringing one hand to her lips she chewed on the end of her thumbnail. She set the container on her tabletop. Her unoccupied hand reached into the container and plucked one of the delicious tricolored pods from the mass. She held it up with her first finger and thumb, so as to deeply inspect it. 

"Look at how beautiful you are... So vibrant. So..." her speech trailed off as she brought the pod to her lips. She gave it a small smooch before putting it in her mouth and biting down with a satisfying pop. It burst in her mouth, the flavors exquisite and immaculate. She let out a small sigh of contentment as her eyes rolled back in her head. 

"Oh god that's good," She said as she swallowed. The detergent burned as it traveled down her esophagus, just the way it always did. She took another and repeated the process. She felt herself beginning to slip. Hypnotized by the satisfying swirl she shoved one after another into her mouth. One might think the phrase "Once you pop you can't stop" was first attributed to pringles. Liz knew the slogan was truly written about her lover, Tide pods. 

Feeling her control over herself loosen, she easily threw back 10 in the span of a few minutes. She reached in one final time, only to hit the bottom of the container. She growled, hoping and praying it wasn't over, that she wasn't out yet. Turning the container she saw a final pod plop onto her desk. 

"Oh so it's just you and me now, Isn't it?" she asked the unmoving pod. To her dismay, she got no response. She put the last pod in her mouth, and instead of biting directly into it, she swirled her tongue around it. She needed to savor this one, it would be the last for a long time. She bit first into the orange section, then the blue, then the white. She felt her body filled with ecstasy as she swallowed for one last time, before blacking out completely.

Waking up the next morning, seeing the empty container and the telltale stains on her face, Liz knew, she had a good night. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

Tales of dangerous infatuation (leaveit2liz x tide pod)Where stories live. Discover now