V I I I - h u r t m e

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"As much as this hurts me"

"I'll just wait another decade for you"


Jin was now laying on the hospital bed now slowly waking up, a crying Jimin got closer to him.

"Yah! Hyung!" Jimin called out Yoongi who called a doctor.

Doctors rushed in and gave him a few medicine and check ups, then they all slowly left leaving one to finalize everything and to talk to Hoseok.

"So, he is in a stable condition, he'll be able to get out tomorrow" the nurse said, bowed and left.

"W-what.. h-happened" Jin asked

He touched his face to check for a wound but to no avail.

"You were in the kitchen making some breakfast when u passed out!" Taehyung explained

Jin was confuse.. last time he saw.. he was with NamJoon!

"How long was I out?" He asked

"Fortunately only 3 days, and someone sent you a message" Yoongi gave him a letter.

Same pink wax stamp as always.

I hope you feel alright princess, I'll visit you soon - your love N.J.

He put the letter aside sighing, he doesn't even know what's real and what's not, these dreams felt so real, and he feels like he is also going crazy, maybe he needs to see a therapist or talk to Hobi about all these vivid dreams.

Jin lay his head down and let the others leave him for now.


Jin was now discarded from the hospital, and he is talking to Hobi at home since he still had to take meds, he is gonna go to B-live to explain and to talk about a new comeback that he is planning, but right now he is talking to Hobi.

"It hurts me to see you like this Jin" hobi started

"I'm sorry.. I just.. these dreams" Jin looked at him teary eyed

"They are not real hyung.. NamJoon just got through your head and probably the assumptions of people made it worst" hobi softly spoke

"What are you really hobi?" Jin suddenly asked.

"I'm Hoseok and I can see red strings, believe me or not" Hoseok answered with no hesitation.

"Hmm.. okay.. but this feather.. I saw it in my room one time.." Jin said grabbing it from his drawer showing it to Hoseok.

He looked at Jin wide eye, "y-you should k-keep that well"

Is all he said before excusing himself to leave.

Jin sighed debating whether to go to NamJoon's place or not.. it really is unsettling but he wanted to know the truth.

Why everything was happening in his life or what epiphany really is.. he grabbed his essential things and went off in his car, he inputted the said address.

He felt deja vu, it was all the same, he gulped, he was nervous..


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