Kingdom of Mullingar

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Niall's Pov

I was ready to go to dinner that was being held today. As usual we'd have to wear our Royal uniform to look presentable for our guests. I also wore a little crown indicating that I am in fact a Prince. I went downstairs and awaited for the arrival of my two guests to whom should be arriving fairly soon... God, those take forever to get ready for anything!

"Your royal highness, Prince Liam and Prince Louis are at the front gate and wish to talk to you, shall I allow them in?" The Butler asked.

"Yes of course, please let them in!" Finally they arrived...

I could see Louis and Liam walking towards me through the hallway leading to the dining hall, both wearing their royal uniforms with distinctive colors showing everybody which kingdom they belong too. The colors of my uniform are angelic white, to which in my favor I like. We're all wearing little crowns, nothing comparable to the Royal Majesties crown of course...

"NIALL!" I was being suffocated by Liam's and Louis's bear hug.

"Can't.... Breathe!" They quickly released me and laughed. "Cool, we're here 10 minutes earlier! That's a first, eh Liam?" Louis said, elbowing Liam.

"Yeah...." I can tell he was still nervous about the confusion we had earlier on the phone. I wonder what his problem was...

"I'm surprised you came this earlier to be quite honest, anyways, the other royal families shall be coming shortly. So let's have a seat shall we?" I asked, and they nodded in agreement.

We sat down in the dining hall, Extravagant lighting, silver ware, wine, food, anything you could possibly imagine is absolutely perfect here. This was definitely a slice of heaven, considering the food was so delicious and good! I couldn't help but drool at the food the chefs were preparing. I sat on the right side of the table, allowing the King and Queen of Mullingar to sit at the very ends. The Bradford and Holmes Chapel royals will be seating on both sides of the table. Liam sat on my right side, while Louis sat on the left. Moments later we were greeted by the Queen and King entering. "Hello boys, I see we're all ship shape and ready to get this Royal feast started?" She quoted 'royal' with her fingers. We all laughed and nodded. The King who's name is William, stepped in and greeted us the same way. Like the Queen they are both loving, caring, and love to joke every once in a while.

"Niall, I hope you use those precautions the Queen has given you," My face instantly flustered and I covered my mouth, trying not to gasp as loud. I glared at the Queen, but she was dying of laughter at the time.

"Your Majesty, please!" I whined, as he patted me on the head and chuckled. Liam and Louis looked at me in confusion and instantly started asking me questions.

"What the heck was that about?" Louis whispered.

"The Queen gave me.... condoms earlier because she thinks i'm going to like the Prince of Bradford.... Zayn." Liam gasped in disappointment. Darn! I should've kept my mouth shut.

"Oh I see...." Louis gave me a smirk and started wiggling his eyebrows. Oh God!

"It's not like that! I haven't even met the guy!" I pouted, as Louis tried to calm me down.

"But... But you're not going to fall for him are you Nialler?" Liam said so innocently which my heart ache, he is so cute when he's jealous. Wait, what? I have feelings for Liam now! NO NO NO. I can't catch a break today can I!

"Absolutely not Liam, I don't even know him. Plus, our kingdoms still hate each other, so we might never know," I smiled at him reassuringly. He nodded and gave me a quick peck on the forehead. I heard myself squeal at the bottom of my soul like a fangirl. LIAM JUST KISSED MY FOREHEAD! I was panicking, but at the same time I felt at ease knowing Liam really cares. He smiled at me, and turned away as the bells of the kingdom were playing, indicating that both royal famliles have finally arrived.

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