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This is my longest chapter ever I will ever make
Word count: 2270

I woke up to Narcissa shaking me awake. "(Y/N) we're gonna be late!" "Okay, I'm up" I yawned. I got up and threw my robes on tiredly. I grabbed my bag and ran to the great hall.

I saw Sev smile as I walked in, he patted the empty seat next to him. "Where were you sleeping beauty?" He asked kissing my forehead. "Narcissa kept me up all night" I told him sleepily.

I could hear Narcissa gigging a few seats away from us. He ruffled my hair "Awww." I grabbed (F/B) (Favourite Breakfast) and Orange Juice. "Sev" I said still facing my food "I thought it was you." He gave me a confused look. "At Hogsmeade" Then he understood I was talking about mine and Remus' kiss in the alley.

I looked at Remus undetected and saw him staring at me. I wanted him to know Severus was mine and I was his. "Sev" I said again this time looking at him. "Ye-" He was interrupted by my lips pushing against his. I wrapped my arms around his neck, we had a long sweet kiss.

I could care less about the clapping around us. I pulled away panting and grinning. "I guess the whole school knows now." He smiled. We ate the rest of our food a bit flustered.

Dumbledore stood up and waved his hand making all the food disappear. "Congratulations (Y/N) and Severus I send my blessings for you to have a great relationship. You're all dismissed to your classes." We both blushed at his words and got up.

I saw Sirius, James, Remus, Lily, and (STUPID RAT) Peter walking towards us. As they approached us Sirius slung his arm around Severus' neck. "So you two?" He smirked. "Y-yeah" he stuttered. Lily grabbed my arm and squealed. "I'm so happy for my two best friends." Remus seemed mad and Peter was walking behind us muttering to himself. Peter had always been weird and rat like.I didn't like him not one bit.

I was confused as to why Remus was mad "She's mine" I heard a low growl. I suddenly remembered we had class. "Guys we have to get to class!" I called after I started to run to History of Magic.

Luckily for all of us Professor Binns was late. "You guys are so lucky" Cissy whispered to me. "I know" I smirked. "Okay class sorry I'm late let's get started." Professor Binns said as he entered the classroom. We all continued throughout the day until potions.

Severus and I had all our classes together except Potions and DADA. I had potions with James, Sirius, and Lily. Severus had DADA with Remus. So in potions Lily and I were partners "Hey Lils could you hand me the Ashwinder egg and horseradish" I asked her.

I rarely looked at the book for the recipe having studied potions like this for hours. She nodded and grabbed the ingredients from off the shelves behind us. "Anything else" she asked. "Ummm squill bulb, murlap tentacle, thyme, occupy eggshell and powdered common rue." I told her she walked around the classroom grabbing the ingredients.

After she came back I started the potion. "Lily do you want to do the honors of saying the incantation" I asked her " Sure" she said smiling. She waved her wand over the cauldron and said 'Felixempra'.

I heard Slughorn say "Good job (Y/N) and Lily I would like to see you after class (Y/N)" I could help but smile. Slughorn was my favourite teacher mostly because he taught potions. I nodded at him biting the inside of my lip to still myself from squealing.

For he rest of the class I helped other kids with their potions. I was happy when the clock finally hit 6:00. I packed up all my stuff and sound my bag over my shoulder. I walked over the the professor.

"Ah Miss. (Y/N) next year I was wondering if you would want to join my Slug Club seeing as it is only for 2nd years and up" he said. "I would be honored professor" I said not being able to contain the huge smile any longer. "Good now of you go missy" he said standing up and walking the the back of his classroom to sort ingredients.

Our Blossoming  Hearts: A Severus Snape x readerWhere stories live. Discover now