Part 6

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Tom stared at Mr Reeds as he made his way to the office room where Tom had been standing frozen ever since James had left him to answer the door.James was only too happy to let his father deal with Tom and he immediately took off to his room after introducing him.But right now in his unsettled state Tom couldn't seem to care about what James might think about him.Tom watched in amazement as the fake Mr Reeds  vanished into thin air before his own eyes.This left him dumb founded for some time,before he calmed himself again.Tom immediately started narrating his story to Mr Reeds,starting with his research on para psychology.During this Tom couldn't help but think of the last time he had told the same story to a different Mr Reeds.Mr Reeds was silent as he listened to Tom and from his neutral expression, Tom had no way to know whether he believed him or just thought him to be crazy.Tom reached into his bag to retrieve the journal which for once was in the place where he had left it and without further delay he  handed it over to Mr Reeds.Mr Reeds took his time studying the journal before he finally put it back on the table,then he looked at Tom and asked

"So do you still suffer from these lapses in lucidity,Tom?Is there a particular time in which you experience these?Any patterns of recurrence that you might have noticed?" 

"I  still have these lapses,some times in the middle of classes,sometimes while eating and later I am never able to recall anything.I don't know what to make of it.There was never any regularity or pattern that I can think off.Does these lapses mean that I astral traveled without even knowing it?At one time I remember walking out of my room to see my dad only to find that he couldn't hear or see me,I had panicked at that time and had later woken up in my bed drenched in sweat.But it felt so real at  that time that,I could not make my self  believe that it is just a dream." Tom said.Even now when he thought back to that day he felt that it was more like a real memory, than just an illusion.He knew that  for as long as he lived,he will not be able to forget it and for once in his life Tom regretted having an eidetic memory.  

"Astral projection can be achieved by many methods,I am sure as you might have read Tom. One such method is by being hypnotized by another person.Are you sure that whenever you had these lapses,there was no  one around, who could have hypnotized you into leaving your body?"

"I don't think that is possible.Because many a times I was alone during these and at other times at my home with my parents. I don't know if you believe me, but I think there is someone stuck in the astral plane who has been trying to contact me.Do you think that this person can hypnotize someone? "

Mr Reeds looked doubtful when I said that,he told me that the studies which has been conducted so far has never indicated such a thing being possible.He was sure that it might be Tom's imagination,as a person can't exist for long in the astral plane.

" There is a silver chord which connects our astral part to its physical counterpart.Whenever this physical body is in danger, the astral part gets snapped back in to the body immediately.Even when there is no danger,one's astral part is often abruptly made to return to its physical counterpart. When a person dies the chord that connects these two parts   dissolves or breaks and then the astral part just disappears." Mr Reeds explained.

"Is it possible that after the death of a person,his astral body which had disappeared might be visible to some other person?Is it possible for the astral part to go on surviving without it's physical counterpart?"  Tom asked

"I never heard of it Tom,but again one can't adamantly say that  it is impossible without studying it further."

Tom then went on to say how he had met the fake Mr Reeds,the mystery man in this very room and how James hadn't been able  to see him.Mr Reeds looked fairly shocked when Tom told him that the mystery man even showed him in,when he had rung the bell. 

"I think this complicates everything Tom.I am really not sure how to deal with this issue but I think if that person is trying to get your help then it might not bode well for you.So I advice you to be on your guard and try to stay alert even in sleep so you don't project unknowingly.It is said that certain food items prevents astral projection,you be sure to include them in your diet."

Tom tried not to be frightened but he was highly shaken and didn't know how to survive this ordeal.Is it possible for him to go on avoiding this astral projection?Will it be the end of it?What if he make a mistake and astral travel?His head was buzzing with questions no one knew the answers to.Before leaving, Tom informed Mr Reeds as to how the journal had a tendency of going missing but Mr Reeds assured him that he will take care of that issue.

Before he went back home,Tom made a stop at the church. Kneeling at the altar,watching the candle flames dance,he prayed for strength and for the safety of his loved ones.If Sara had seen him now,then he would never hear the end of it ,Tom mused.He cringed as he thought about the number of times he had teased her endlessly in the past about he piety.He felt much better after spending some time there. He felt that all this time he had skipped going to church,he had been missing something really important in life.Now that he had discovered the peace and tranquility it provided, he vowed that he will never go back to being his older self.

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