Episode 5 - Remind Me To Forget

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''You're kidding, right?'' Lauren asked, looking at her sister but she looked back just as confused. ''I-I'm not a nurse'' She added. ''Then what are you doing here?'' Lisa asked, trying to figure out what was happening. 

''Please tell me your joking, Lisa'' She said, now worried. ''How do you know my name if you're not my nurse?'' Lisa asked, still having no idea who she was talking to. ''If we could interrupt, Lauren here is a bit disorientated. We're your friends'' Katherine interjected, making the situation a lot less awkward. 

Lisa's confused face immediately lit up. ''Well, why didn't you say so in the first place! Geez, sorry, guys. I can't seem to remember you'' She said, rubbing her temples. ''It's okay, Lisa. Do you know our names?'' Christina asked her little sister, but she shook her head. ''No, sorry. I'm having a really hard time to remember you guys. But, I guess a 'thank you for coming' is justifiable.'' She said with a smile. 

''I''m Christina'' 

''I'm Katherine''

''I'm Amy''

There was a pause, making everyone snap their heads at Lauren who stayed silent. Dani nudged her older sister, making her focus on the present again.

''I'm Lauren'' Lisa could see something was bothering Lauren, but she decided to not ask her in front of the others. Lauren was fiddling with her fingers as she looked down.

''And I'm Dani''

''Woah, guys. It almost seems like you rehearsed that for some video or something!'' Lisa exclaimed, unaware of the fact she was supposed to say her line too.

Christina awkwardly chuckled. ''We're all just really in sync. How are you feeling, Lisa?'' She changed the subject. ''I'm feeling a bit sick, but I'm fine. What actually happened?'' She asked. Now everyone was silent, trying to figure out what to say.

''You were in an accident. It banged you up pretty bad so that's why you can't remember us'' Amy quickly made up as no one else spoke up. 

''Oh, man! Did I hit someone? Are they okay?'' Lisa was now worried someone else was hurt, but the truth was that she was the only one. ''No, Lise. Someone hit you. But they're all fine. You are the one we're all worried'' Dani said.

''Aw, thanks, you guys! I must be very lucky to have such good friends!'' She exclaimed, making the girls nervous about what to do.

''How about we let your parents come in? We'll leave you to talk'' Katherine suggested. ''Oh, yeah! Will you guys come back sometime?'' Lisa asked the five other girls.

''Of course, we will. We'll be back tomorrow to keep you company'' Christina reassured the short-haired girl who smiled at them. ''Thanks, guys. See you tomorrow!'' She exclaimed before the girls all awkwardly shuffled their way outside. 

''What happened?'' Lynne asked the five girls. ''She doesn't remember us'' Amy spoke up. ''What?'' Mike Sr asked confused. ''We told her we were her friends. We figured it would be too much if we told her we're her sisters'' Christina said.

''What about us?'' Lynne asked worriedly. ''Oh, she remembers you guys. She asked for you, so we'll go home and rest'' Dani commented. ''Okay. Drive safe, kids'' They both said before entering Lisa's room.

''What do we do now?'' Amy asked. ''We gradually have to get her to trust us and then tell her. If we drop the bomb like that, who knows how she'll react'' Christina explained. ''I agree. But what if this thing is not temporary?'' Dani asked, making Christina sigh. ''We don't know that yet. The doctor said he didn't know what happened, which makes it easier for us to act like we don't know because we don't'' She pointed out. 

''Okay, let's just get home and discuss what we'll do tomorrow'' Katherine said before they all exited the hospital building and piled up in her car, driving home.


''I can't fucking believe she doesn't know who we are'' Dani cursed as they all entered the living room. 

''It's not like we can do anything about it. She'll get confused and probably freak out so we have to make sure we get on her good side.'' Christina said. ''Yeah, how about we take shifts every day? Christina Monday, I'll do Tuesday, Amy gets Wednesday, Lauren Thursday, Dani on Friday and on the weekends, we'll go together'' Katherine suggested.

''Sounds like a plan. We'll things to keep her busy. Make something up about what reminds you of your friendship and just talk to her'' Dani said. ''Let's just all rest and prepare ourselves for tomorrow. I think it's best we all visit her tomorrow and talk to her'' Christina told her younger sisters who nodded and all went up the stairs and into their rooms.


The doorbell rang.

''Hey, guys. Some guy named Connor is here''

Lauren's heart dropped at that name and thought to herself.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.


Yaw sorry I haven't been posting.

Just very tired and shitty.

Hope y'all are having a good day!

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