sadmomvibes added whezerdown, handsypsychiatrist, richmarvin, tinybastard, drbitch, and shikzacaterer to a group chat
sadmomvibes: change your names so we know who everyone is
whezerdown: ehy didb you make this?
sadmomvibes: becausesadmomvibes changed whezerdown to Whizzer
sadmomvibes changed tinybastard to Jason
sadmomvibes changed richmarvin to Marvin
sadmomvibes changed drbitch to Charlotte
sadmomvibes changed handsypsychiatrist to Mendel
sadmomvibes changed shikzacaterer to Cordelia
sadmomvibes changed their name to Trina
Trina: there
Jason: mom why?
Whizzer: jesus trun
Mendel: turn
Whizzer: shut the duck uo
Whizzer: fuck
Falsettos texting au
Fanfictionthe title says it all sorry there's no cover i dont know how make covers