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Atlas, Schnee's Order hideout, Shaun's mind

Screams, that's all he heard within the dark abyss, along with the screams, was the sound of a crackling fire, the fire that he hasn't seen in a long time. A light that changed his life forever. Looking around, Shaun began to panic; these memories were something he didn't want to come up again, mostly because though he has the scar to remember what happened that night, his brain had suppressed the memory from him. And now, after 11 years of him going through it and forgetting it, it's coming back, the burning of his village, the cries, and screams of his tribemates. The feeling of the knife slashing over his face, the choking air, him being choked. All of it came back as he no longer was in a dark abyss, he was standing at his old tribe sight, the day becoming bright as day as he remembered the dream that caused him to wake in the first place.

"Trouble is coming... Be prepared! be prepared young assassin!"

The voice sends chills down his spine as he now knows who and what it was trying to tell him. The sounds came back as well, from the day, it haunted him; he saw his younger self walk around the camp, doing his duties. The uneasy feelings returned into the 17-year-old; he hated it. He was balling up his fist as he watched the six-year-old try to shake off the atmosphere instead of telling the whole tribe this uncertainty. Why couldn't he understand what the spirits trying to say to him? Why was he the chosen one, a six-year-old, to give such an important message? If he was older and understood a little more, he probably could've saved his tribe, and live a somewhat healthy life with a childhood. But he didn't, all he fell now is angry with himself as Shaun remembers this day, the day that Hakeem lost all his old friends, the day Shaun lost his family, being the tribe itself, the day that he lost his ability to trust anyone.

Even with all these emotions inside of him, the hate he felt mostly for himself. The day went on, as usual, as he remembered it, he and his mom were on a walk into the woods. Shaun followed right behind them slowly, listening to every word. And then suddenly screams, the sound of children, pierced the air, freezing the older leopard wolf faunas. He stared blanked face as the sound of their screams carried more fear then he remembered, the cry made the sky turn red, and the once greenish forest now filled with fire, and smoke. Looking around wide-eyed, Shaun searched for his younger self all over twisting and turning until he found himself in the middle of the camp. Shaun's brain started to swirl, the hate, anger, guilt, sadness, the feeling of being betrayed, all clammed up and caused Shaun to hit his knees, the abyss once again returning, the sounds of all those around him getting cut down, or burned alive muffled, darkness surrounded him. A tear fell from his eye, he looked down and grabbed a handful of dirt and looked up into the sky and yelled, his roar carried out, releasing all of the emotions he had inside, tears poured from his face as he cried and, smashing the ground with his fist repeatedly. Each hit caused a crack on the floor, breaking it, the feeling of something breaking in his rage felt almost calming, but even then Shaun let out a cry with each punch into the ground. The brain suppressed the memory for a reason and know it's back. It is Reappearing in his head, causing an already broken mentality, thanks to the weeks of endless torture since they drug him in. Anger, that was the main feeling, and he wanted to release the emotion he has inside. Smashing the ground, as he raised his left fist and slammed it down one last time, the ground broke, and the screams and sound of fire started to fade, as he felt himself falling. Shaun felled right through the field for a first little bit until he hit a black ground.

Shaun got up and looked around and saw nothing but darkness, looking down at his hands was two daggers, they had blood on them, dripping from the blade. As he stared at the edge, he felt a flame he once had in him die, the blaze was in the shape of the brotherhood's crest. Looking up again, he saw a pair of red eyes, assuming they were grim eyes, the eyes had the flame on his shoulder, with an evil smile at him. Shaun backhanded his left shorter dagger and raised it in front to protect him in a blocking position. Though the snarls came from the pair of red eyes as they drew closer towards the assassin, his stance faltered as a sudden pain in his entire body appeared. It was from the treatment the Schnees had been giving him, broken ribs, face bruised, and an entirely broken will. When suddenly, it rushed him with blazing speed. Rolling to the right, he dodged out of the way, getting back up slowly. The pair of eyes didn't seem to lung at him like a grim would, but instead, the sound of a sword slashed down at him confirmed that it indeed wasn't a Grim, but a person. Getting up Shaun, and the pair of red eyes stare down each other, no one making a move. The pair of red eyes appeared to move but didn't, so Shaun rushed this time with his shorter blade up, before striking with his upward right longer dagger, pain surged through him as he made a move. It dodged out of the way and smiled, Shaun looked on in agony trying to take a step forward but couldn't as two hands grab him. And with that, came two kick towards the face, but Shaun blocked it with the shorter left blade, parrying it away while getting knocked back. Pain coursed through all of his body as he hit the ground and rolled to his stomach.

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