DESTINY Prologue

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Kyle-Ryll Vamburt, the Malaysian-German footballer, the defensive midfielder, wearing 2014 home Germany NT jersey number 50 with his last name at his back - on the stadium field somewhere in Dortmund. Bouncing the ball on his thighs left and right, his brown eyes counted how much he bounced them in sequence without falling.

He didn't even notice that he was being watched during the last couple of minutes, a tall man with dark-blonde hair stood at the edge of the field, kind of counting  Kyle-Ryll's succesfull bounces. It's Manuel Neuer, he has some free time after training with his goal-keeper coach the whole morning and so he decided to wander around and watch the others.

Kyle-Ryll kept counting.... "456.... 457..... 458..... 459-" and then the ball bounced right at his face then to the ground, "Verdammit!" he cursed silently before he ran to get the ball and......

... noticed that the ball stopped right in front of the goal keeper's feet. Manuel kinda grinned at him as Kyle-Ryll looked up. ''No new personal-record huh?''  he asked and it kind of sounded like he made a little fun of him. 

"Could be... I want to make it until 500..... but verdammit...." Kyle-Ryll said then he picked the ball and look up. "Danke for...." then he snapped. "Wait... are you...."

The smile on Manuel's lips spreaded a little more and he helt his hand over to the other one. ''... Am I...? I don't know, you tell me.'' he continues, sounding a little teasing as he sees how surprised Kyle-Ryll looks, well, stares at him.

"Your Manuel Neuer, right?" Kyle-Ryll grabbed his hand and shaking it harshly. "Nice to meet you. My name's Kyle-Ryll. Kyle-Ryll Vamburt,"

Manuel nodded. ''Yep, that's me! Nice to meet you Kyle-Ryll!''  He released the other one's hand again and gets an idea all of the sudden. ''So, I guess you are training right now? How about we train together for a while?'' 

"Why not, Nutella-man?" Kyle-Ryll grinned wider, he's in mischievous mode is already turned on. He started kicking the ball and balanced it at his thigh. "I know we're both rivals in each clubs but we're in same nation blood, right?" then he bounced the ball higher forward.

Manuel catched the ball with a tight and safe grip. ''Indeed we are!'' he says smiling and quickly rushed to that one goal at the edge of the field, letting the ball fall in front of his feet and kicking it over to his training-partner. 

"I wonder... if one day..." he stopped the ball with his left feet and bouncing up to his head. "I joined Nationalmannschaft along with you guys...." (Hint: Vamburt is from club BVB since 2010, 26 goals so far)

Manuel starts smiling again, watching him how he plays with the ball. ''Well, just always give your best, never give up and keep on believing, I know,  that does sound really... stupid to be honest, but that's what I did! And see where I am now...  I reached my dream... urgh sorry, kinda drowned in emotions I guess! Sorry!'' 

Kyle-Ryll grinned, "I know what you're thinking, Manu-tella. Hehehe...." then he kicked the ball high to the sky before he jumped in 270 degrees as his left foot kicked the ball and...... It almost hit someone. 

And this someone just dodged the ball in the last second before it would have hit his face, directly into the middle.

 ''whoah...! Careful now!'' he says a little shocked, but starts smiling as he gets to the other two on the field. 

It's Bastian Schweinsteiger, who just greeted Manuel with a quick hug and looks at Kyle-Ryll afterwards.  ''Kyle-Ryll right? I saw a game with you! Borussia Dortmund against Hamburg I think....You play really great I must say...''

"Yeah, I am. The 'play breaker' of Dortmund," Kyle-Ryll replied, smiled. "So the Deutshe Tiger, what are you doing here along with this Manu-tella, huh?" he curved an evil smile. (Trivia: Kyle-Ryll called Schweinsteiger as 'The Deutshe tiger' maybe he can't memorize/pronounce his last name right so he tried to make it short)

The 'tiger' laughed at his word-play ''I don't know, I was just curious what you two are doing over here. So you are already done with your training for today Manu?'' 
He asks, looking at the taller man.

''Yeah!'' he says smiling and picks up the ball. ''But actually we two wanted to continue a little'' he adds and Bastian laughs again ''Oh yeah, kinda noticed that!''

"That's the great idea from the seniors here. And I'm almost forgot, we're gonna need to meet someone...." then Kyle-Ryll said silently. "important. Very important....."

''Oh yeah?'' Manu asks curious. ''Sounds serious, who do we have to meet? And why? Sounds interesting to be honest'' He turns the ball in his hands, waiting for an answer. And also Bastian has a surprised expression on his face.

Kyle-Ryll felt weird, "Oii! Don't you two forgot who we're gonna meet with? With our 'papa', remember??"

Manuel facepalmed himself. ''This really isn't my day! Sorry! Yeah you are right!'' he says laughing and shakes his head in disbelieve, not getting how he could forget that. ''Yeah, right! I also nearly forgot about that..'' Bastian mumbles.

Kyle-Ryll giggled, "Next time, get more raisins during breakfast, eh? Not depend on Nutella perhaps," he winked then turned to the left. "There we go..."

Manuel was still smiling over that joke Kyle- Ryll just made as they met their manager and coach, Jogi Löw. 

''Good Morning!'' Bastian began to greet him smiling and also Manuel greeted him. 

"Guten morgen und.... Hey, papa Jogi!!" Kyle-Ryll waved his hand to the coach. "What's up, man??" even Kyle-Ryll's shout makes Marvin Movenhart, his friend that came along with him whispered, "Kyle, watch out of your voice..."

The coach heard the whispering and just laugh. ''Do you really think he's the only one why talks to me as if I was his daddy?'' he says smiling, something what makes him incredibly sympathetic.

 ''Well, this is going to be a great day! For all of us I guess!''  he says and looks at all the players that gathered around him.

That makes Kyle-Ryll get his serious footballer mode on as he rushed into the circles of the boys as well as the rest of the Germans.

"I wonder what would be the training that Jogi wanna teach us for today..." Kyle-Ryll said to himself.

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