Da image above is the jarrrr!

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For peoples who don't know the story behind the jar.

I play soccer, (well used to, since coronavirus happened I can't). So usually we would have practices on one half of this soccer field, on the other half some older hot guys practiced. I, being the obsessive straight gal I was, always wanted to play against them in hopes of brushing shoulders with one of them or some type of contact. (I'm cringing at my young stupidity) Anyways, we got to play against them once! And per tradition or whatever the reason, we high-fived every single one of the hot guys at the end of the game. Young me was ecstatic and after that I made sure to not touch anything with my high-five hand, when I got home I carefully washed my hands making the water from hands go into a jar... I was so proud of myself for this. Idk why. Please pray for my 12 year old self as I am traumatized that I was so girly and obsessive.😂😂😂
Yuh, I still have the exact jar with the hot guys highfives in it. I guess I wanna see how long I can keep it with the knowledge of why I am keeping it.

Update: I still have the jar and it's been what, 3 years?

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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