Bulbasaur 1:

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"Bulbasaur, come on." You groaned as you dragged the creature towards your front door. Bulbasaur tried to stay put on the ground, yet you lifted him so easily.

He whined and fussed. You sat him inside before slamming the door shut.

"I've had it with you today!" You said.

He growled and strutted off.


He listened to your demand, yet you couldn't bring yourself to be mad for too long. He was so cute.

"Goodnight Bulb." You smiled kindly at the creature, who whined at the bottom of your bed.

"No, there's no way you're coming up here with me!"

His eyes shined prettily and innocently, which caused you to huff and pick him up anyway.

He laid on the pillow beside yours and fell asleep. You followed his actions and passed out.


You woke facing the window beside your bed. The sun glittered and made your eyes burn, and you reached to pull the blinds cord.

"Allow me."

You turned in surprise. A handsome man reached over and pulled the string. He looked down at you, his arm draped over your chest and hand holding your shoulder, while his other arm supported his weight.

"Good morning."

"Who...the HELL...are you?" You whispered.

"I'm Bulbasaur...don't you remember me?"

"Not like that!"

Bulbasaur laughed. "You're so sweet."

"Should we get up and make pancakes?" He offered, and he rolled out of the thick blanket.

You shielded your eyes and turned red. He gasped.

"Oh! I um ..I forgot." He covered himself.

"Just...take some shorts in here!" You yelled.

He grabbed a pair from your pajama drawer that he had saw you open many times and slid them on.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine!" You huffed, and uncovered your eyes.

"Pancakes?" He offered.

You nodded.


So...this was a short one that was requested. I imagine Bulbasaur as being respectful and polite, but honest and experienced. He would get jealous easy and demand attention to himself.

If you've requested something that isn't X Reader, then I'm sorry but I can't write it. This is a one shot book for x readers, I apologize. I know a few of you did, and I only write x reader. I'm sorry to break your hope.

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