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"It happened."

Clementine let her eyes close and smile drop as she turned back around to see Jackson staring intently at the phone call she was on. It wasn't Harry that had called, it was Gemma.

Words stuck in her throat as she tried to gather herself, "How is he?," Clementine already knew the answer to her question but she needed to hear her say it. There were a lot of things going on around Clementine and this was one thing always sitting in the back of her mind.

"Not good...left for the bar last night and never came back," She let out a deep breath as she ran a hand through her hair, this was not her problem anymore. He was not her responsibility, anything he did had nothing to do with her. "Do you you think you could come?"

The blonde's eyes widened as the question entered the silence, Gemma knew what the answer would be but she needed to ask. "Robin loved guys talked constantly. It would be for Robin not Harry," Clementine felt guilt rise in her stomach as she thought of how disrespectful it would be to not go.

"Gemma I don't think I can," she didn't want to see Harry and she most definitely did not want to be stuck in the same place with him for a long period of time. "I want to but I just don't think I can."

Gemma ran a hand through her hair as she turned to look at her mother sitting on the sofa in their living room, her arms hugging a pillow. She hadn't gotten dressed or gotten off of the couch in the last couple of days, it was awful to see her mother in so much pain.

"Clem...just please think about it. The funeral is on Friday so you have a couple of days."

She let a sigh out, "I will Gem...I'm really sorry for your loss," her words were sincere and Gemma knew that, but she was still hoping the blonde would come around for her idea.

Clementine hung up the phone and leaned against the wall leading into her office, eyes closed shut tightly as her chest clenched. Robin had fought a long and hard battle, he had exceeded the life span that the doctors originally gave him.

"How's Mr. Alcoholic?," her eyebrows furrowed as Jackson came up behind her and grabbed her hips, fingertips digging into the exposed skin. She knew there were a lot of things spread about Harry over the past couple of months, but she had no idea Jackson was following the tabloids.

She shoved him gently, "That wasn't was his sister. Their step-father died and she wants me to go to the funeral."

He lets a small huff leave his lips before sitting himself on top of her desk, "You're not going right? I mean that would be super awkward considering it's your ex," she heard the nervousness lacing his tone and her mouth twisted slightly.

Clementine felt irritated that he was trying to lead her into a certain direction, it would be odd seeing Harry but she wouldn't be there for him. She would only go to be a support to Gemma and Anne, while paying her respects to Robin to whom she talked to almost every week.

"I mean it's in England...Cheshire I think, that would be a long way," she bites her lips as she thinks about the price to travel and leaving the diner for god knows how long.

Jackson's leg hopped up and down as he watched the blonde think, he was terrified that she would never come back to him if she left.

Clementine felt guilty she was even thinking about it, she was sure Gemma, Anne or even Robin would comfort her. She knew what she needed to do.

"I think I have to go."

Jackson felt his heart stop and lips twist in nervousness, "I'll come with you," his words are blurted and cause Clementine to jump.

"Oh Jackson," she felt guilt rise in her chest at his rushed words, "I'm not taking a date to a funeral...especially this one," she couldn't come to a funeral with a new guy, especially one that would be rooted around her exs family.

Jackson huffed, "Clem...I think you shouldn't go...what if he gets the wrong idea and thinks you came for him. I mean I know we are dating but um things happen," his words were whispered and insecure, it reminded Clementine of herself when she first met Harry.

She never felt good enough and she always thought there was someone better suited for him. The blonde felt overwhelmed with the decision, scared eyes watching her every facial expression.

"His family was here for me when my mother passed....Harry included and I need to return the favor. I'm sorry that makes you uncomfortable but I its something I'm going to do I won't debate it," Jackson was not surprises by the strong will he had seen grow in Clementine. He had heard about 'Max' and what he had done to Clementine for so long, but Harry was different.

Harry and Clementine had a good relationship/friendship throughout the time they spent together. They always meshed well and Clem would tell you that herself, that is what made Jackson so insecure. He knew she didn't love him like she used to love Harry, but any amount of lover from her was enough for him.

"Okay Clem."

His voice was sad and eyes cast downward as she made her way to his side, "I'm going to leave here dating you and when I come back I will still be dating you...I will call and video chat. Jacks this doesn't mean anything."

Jackson let her words sink in before he gave her a half hearted smile, he wanted to believe her but he couldn't bring himself to.

"I will have to get Claire to cover the day to day operations and will you make sure everything is stocked properly for her?," he nods again and Clementine kisses his cheek before walking out her office. Her eyes find the envelope that came with the sign Harry had sent her.

She shook her head and slid it under the time table sitting on the counter, her hands dialing a familiar number.

"Hey Gem...I'm coming."

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