Shovel knight oc 4

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Name: Reshilin Bane

Knight name: Dark knight

Species: Human/Winged demon hybrid

Gender: male

Age: 20

Looks: He has black skin and purple eyes of a black winged demon. But has the same height and form of a human. He wears Dark purple obsidian armor as his back is a bit exposed so that his wings can easily form for him to fly in the air.

Personality: More of a silent type as he rarely talks. But is a serious person when on missions or at battle, can be patient at times when needed.

Weapon: His magical umbrella as his weapon can fire bursts of magical energy and can block enemy projectiles when it is used as it is made of obsidian as he can use it as a melee combat.

Weakness: He mostly relies on his magical umbrella as he is defenseless without it.

Crush: open

Pet: none

Password: shovel of hope

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