too late

148 11 8

April 13th


"Happy birthday, Thomas!" James says, waking me up. Oh. I forgot. "I thought it was March..." I mumble. He laughs. He has been acting like the
(Y/N) thing hasn't effected him at all, which is pissing me off, considering he was her best friend.

I pull my bed covers over my head. "Aren't you going to wake up so we can celebrate?" He asks. "No."


I have been lost since (Y/N) left. I miss talking to her and having our slumber parties with James. She was the only person I have ever felt truly myself around. (Sorry Alex). I feel like a completely different person. I think I'm acting different as well because everyone is starting to notice.

"Hey John? You okay?" Alex asks me. "Huh?" I reply. I wasn't really listening. "You have been staring at your cereal for thirty minutes." He says with a week laugh. "Oh. Oops." I say back. I continue to stare at it without realizing.

"I know you miss her, but you should really eat your cereal, babe. It's soggy." He tells me. My eyes water just at him mentioning her. He didn't even mention her name you big baby. I say to myself in my head. I don't say anything back. I'm afraid I'll start crying if I do. "Do... you want to talk about it?" Alex asks me.

I shake my head no, holding back tears. Alex hugs me from behind.


I wake up with Lafayette's arms around me. "Good morning, love." I whisper to him, waking him up. He is such a light sleeper. "I'm gonna make us some breakfast." I tell him. He just nods and I go to the kitchen to make eggs and bacon.

A few minutes later, he comes out in a robe. (A/N: that's hot. laf is really hot. like imagine him in a robe. omG i'm blushing ugh.) He sits down on the sofa and turns on the news. I continue making breakfast, somewhat listening to the news in the background.

"Eliza... found dead..." I hear small bits of the news reporter saying. What about Eliza? Nah, it's probably a different Eliza. It's a pretty common name. I think. That's until I hear Laf yell "QUOI!?" and begins rambling in French. "Laf, you okay? What's wrong?" I ask him. He starts crying.

I go and hug him. I don't know what else to do. "Th- They found (Y/N) and Eliza dead." He says. "Wait... what?" I say in shock. Dead? "We need to call the others." I say.


I get a group video call from my cousin Lafayette with everyone else in it. If this is about my birthday I am hanging up. "Have any of you heard the news?" Hercules asks. "What news?" John asks. I just say nothing, waiting for him to explain.

"I heard..." Peggy says. She is crying. What is going on?! "I haven't heard." Alex says. "I have." Aaron mumbles. His camera is turned off. "I have too." Angelica says sadly. "Guys, what is going on?" I ask. "Oh shit, this is going to kill him." Aaron whispers. "Everyone meet at Peggys right now." Angelica says.

I walk down the hall. I'm the first there. "Peggy what is-" She interrupts me with a hug. She sobs into my shoulder and I hug her back. "Hey, hey. It's okay." I tell her, trying to calm her down. Angelica walks in along with Hercules and Lafayette. "Guys what is the news?" John says as him and Alex walk in. Aaron walks in with a sobbing James.

What the fuck.

"Raise your hand if you know." Angelica says. We don't have time for these bullshit games, I wanna go back to sleep. Angelica, Peggy, James, Aaron, Hercules and Lafayette raise there hands, leaving Alex, John and I the only ones who don't know.


"John is going to want to find out from Alex so we will tell him first." Angelica says. She pulls him away and tells him. When they come back, he looks shocked. A sad shocked. "John, come with me." He brings me to
(Y/N)'S room. He sighs. "The police found (Y/N) and Eliza dead." He tells me. I heavy wait falls onto my chest and it feels like I can't breathe. I burst into tears, running out of the dorm and off of campus. I run into the road and fall onto my knees.

Thank god there's no traffic.

I just look at the sky. "Please be a dream." I say, choking on my own sobs. Alex runs out to comfort me.


I see John run out, crying. "If you had to hear the worst news in the world from someone here, who would it be?" Angelica asks me. "James." I say immediately. "C- can Aaron come with us?" James asks me. I nod. They bring me to (Y/N)'S room. I look up at the ceiling. At all the pictures of (Y/N) and me. I just want her back in my arms.

"(Y/N)'s d- dead." James cries out. What? I look down at the floor and space out, ignoring what they're saying.


"Hey, Thomas. Can you promise me something?" (Y/N) says, looking up at me from my chest where her head is laying. "Of course, darlin'." I tell her. "Promise that you won't ever stop being my friend. I don't think I could bare living without you at this point." She admits. My heart melts. "I would never want you out of my life. I need you. So you have nothing to worry about." I tell her. She gives me  a relieved smile. "I love you." I kiss her forehead. "I love you more, darlin'."

End of flashback

I'm too late. I'm never going to be able to be more than friends with her. I'm never going to get to marry her, move in a house with her, have three kids with her, wake up next to her every day of my life, grow old with her and die together. I look back up at the ceiling.

Happy fucking Birthday to me. I think to myself. Then I burst out in laughter. To stop myself from crying. James and Aaron look at me like I'm psychotic. I look at the picture of me giving (Y/N) a piggy back ride and I break down. I go sit on her bed and put my hands on my face.

James knew better than to comfort me. "Do you want to be alone?" Aaron asks. I nod. They walk out. I cry harder then before. I lay down and hug one of her pillows. The one she always laid her head on. It still smells like (F/S) (FAVOURITE/SCENT).

If I don't get to spend the rest of my life with (Y/N) making a family and spoiling her like crazy, then I don't want it. "Please come back..." I mumble into the pillow. This can't be real. The universe doesn't hate me that much, does it? No. (Y/N) wasn't just one of those people that came into my life to leave. We're supposed to be together I can just feel it.

Then why is she dead?

I lay flat on my back, staring up at
(Y/N)'s pictures. I go on my phone just to watch videos of her. I see a video of her holding the tongs and clicking them while dancing around her room. "HAMMER TIME? NO, IT'S CRAB TIME!" I can hear John and me laughing in the background.

I smile as more tears come down my face. I look at another video of (Y/N) doing karaoke with John. They are so cute. She looks so happy. The next video is of that time she was drunk. Yeah we're not watching that and getting horny over a dead girl.

Oh wait this basically means I'm never going to be able to have sex again. I don't want anyone if it isn't her.


I sigh. Maybe I'll wake up and none of this wouldn't have been real.

God, I sure hope so.

Skater Girl | Thomas Jefferson x Schuyler!Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now