4| Culprits don't cry

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I rolled my eyes as he said his last words. 

Again with that thing. Let me live in peace! Forget about it already.

 I blankly stare at his face, "Yeah, you must be still doubting me if I am out of my senses, but that's the truth. As I said earlier I'll make you pay, and when I say something I mean it"

 Tears well up in my eyes. 

Why am I even in this thing, what kind of game is life playing with me? 

I'm not going to cry in front of this man!

He notices the tears in my eyes.

"It's too soon to cry, you'll have to face media after you apologize to me in front of everyone, your career may be destroyed because you slapped Park Jimin in all his glory, there's a lot to come your way, save your tears for that moment," He said getting up from the bed smirking. 

 A lone tear escapes my eye, the same look of anger and irritation painted on my face. 

The only humiliation I ever faced is by this man who doesn't even know anything about me.

 " Culprits don't cry, why are you crying? " he clicks his tongue "So pathetic"

That stung.

I stare at him, eye to eye, propping up on my knees to match his level while he's standing.  he clenches my wrist tightly,  pain rises inside my body. 

He's stronger than me...

My eyes shut tightly wincing, my knees ultimately bending, losing the same level as him.  He unties my hands and legs, which were tied together. "Now, it's time for you to do what you're here to do, remember if you try to escape, you'll escape dead" he paused.

 "Just for your information,  don't mind killing", he finished.

Business mafias...I freaking hate them, gaining all that power and respect for nothing, they are the real pathetic ones. 

I slowly lift my head to look up at him, dead in the eye, "If you wanted me to apologize, a formal meeting should have been held instead of this drama you're directing right now, I would've easily agreed"

He laughs humorlessly, "Oh please, don't kid yourself, we both know what I want was never going to happen if I worked your way"

Maybe he's right...but maybe he's not!

"I'm not kidding anyone here this is seriou-"

"Yeah, serious my ass, I don't have time for you" He turned around, leaving me dumbfounded and alone in the room.  I grunt, pulling at my hair. 

Did he just- 

Can this day get any better?!

Lesson learned for today: slapping men comes with a price, but if they're arrogant bitches, kick their ass without a second thought. 

What am I supposed to do now?

I looked at the window of the room, stepping closer, I see a little area between the fencing of the house and the room's window, the house fenced by a wall of bricks, I press my ear against the window trying to hear anything in this dead silent neighborhood, straining my fears just to hear any sound. With a faint honk of a car, hope arises within me, my heart pounding a mile per minute. 

Road! There's a road nearby!

I reach forward to push open the window, of course, it was locked. I grunted using all my force to break the lock open. 

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