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You and Slade are breaking into S.T.A.R Labs you were knocking guys out while Slade was trying to get the door open to the other side he finally blows it up a man starts shooting at both of you but Slade throws a knife and the gun breaks you throw a smoke bomb and see a guy looking up at you.

Man: the justice League will stop you.

Slade: sorry my pathetic friend but the justice League won't be coming.

He walks through the other door and then pops his head out to talk to the guy again.

Slade: because there watching a movie and as considerate moviegoers I'm sure they would have turned off there mobile devices unlike some people.

You walk up to a wall and you Lazer a hole and you and Slade walk in to another room.

Slade: the Dytroniem crystal the perfect plot device.

Slade walked up to the crystal trying to grab it but something hit his hand.

Slade: ow!

You turned around to see 5 kids oh crazy you thought that you would never see them again.

Robin: stop right there Deadpool?

Slade: Deadpool I'm not Deadpool.

Raven: I thought Deadpool was a good guy?

Slade: why does everybody think I'm Deadpool.

Beast boy: you got them guns.

Starfire: and the swords.

Slade: yeah well lots of people have guns and swords okay I mean look at (y/n) she has guns and swords.

(Y/n):  yeah and on the way over here we passed like 25 people with guns and swords ok.

Slade: she's right by the way he should be saying he's not me ok cause I came out like way before he did.

Cyborg: nah I'm pretty sure your Deadpool.

The robot man grabbed Slade.

Cyborg: look into the camera and say something inappropriate.

Slade pushed him off.

Slade: oh I'm not Deadpool I'm the greatest most feared most nefarious most ultimate supervillain the world has ever seen I am Slade!!

Robin: Slade wow his name is really fun to say dramatically.

Then they just saying his name in the most dramatic way you looked at Slade and mouthed what the heck.

Slade: silence! What is the point of all this!

Robin: we're in need for an arch nemesis and we'd think you two would be a great pick.

(Y/n): you've gotta be kidding me you guys are a joke everyone knows that.

Slade: exactly besides how could you be my arch nemesis when you've already lost

They all gasped how dumb are these fools

Slade: because no one can withstand my powers of MIND MANIPULATION!

He got in front of there faces and pulled out a pencil and was doing weird tricks you were about to leave but you then knew what he was doing while he was distracting the Titans you grabbed the crystal and when Slade got them to turn around he ran to you picked you up bridal style and blew up the wall so you two could escape.

Slade: made you look see you later losers give us a call when you learn to be real superheroes.

Then you guys flew away.

(Y/n): that was too easy great  job.

Slade: it's nothing thanks to you we have the crystal now we have to go and charge it up tomorrow night be ready.

(Y/n): always.

(DISCONTINUED) (Teen Titans Go) Slade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now