Chapter 4

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Cooper opened the flap to the tent and stared at Andrei and me. Anger filled his eyes, and Andrei leaned closer to me, trying to protect me from the anger that Cooper felt. "Get out," he growled, baring his teeth at him like a wolf.

Andrei scowled but nodded his head. "Yes, Alpha," he said coldly before getting up. He flashed me a smirk before walking away, his whole body stiff.

I didn't look at Cooper, not wanting to see him so angry. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my throat was dry. I was scared, petrified even, of this man in front of me.

I didn't know how he was still an Innocent, and to be honest, I didn't want to find out.

"Look at me," he growled, and I flinched and took a step back. "Now." He tried to use his Alpha command, but it didn't work on me, and I was sure that it hadn't worked on her.

I looked up at him and stayed silent. I could feel his anger and knew that it was better to do what he said and not disobey him.

Cooper folded his arms across his chest and scowled. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked, and I ducked my head because I didn't want to meet his gaze. He growled out in annoyance, and I could tell that he moved a hand through his hair. "Do you know what you have done? Do you know what you could have caused?"

I hesitated but nodded my head. "I wanted to see y-"

"No, Caroline," Cooper growled out, interrupting me. "I want no excuses. You have left against my wishes. You disobey direct orders. You could have had all of those people were killed because of your stupidity. I told you not to leave camp because you are not ready to be out there. They are looking for you."

"Well, if you tau-"

"No, Caroline," he said, interrupting me again. "You are in no position to start training. Once you have all of your triangles filled, then we can start training."

I kept my mouth shut. I knew that it would be too late if we did that, and I prayed that whoever was supposed to come would be able to come soon. I feared that we were running out of time, but I had no way of telling him that.

"Now, onto your punishment," Cooper said, breaking me from my thoughts. He was scowling when I looked up at him, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. "You are to stay in your tent and not leave for anything." He held up his hand, stopping me from talking. "If you need to go to the restrooms, then just tell Fernos, and he will let you out." He looked to where Fernos was standing by the door. "Isn't that right, Fernos?" he asked, snarling.

Fernos nodded his head. "Yes, Alpha," he said, his voice void of emotion.

"And, if she leaves for anything besides that, then she is to be sent back no matter what she is doing."

Fernos nodded his head again. "Yes, Alpha."

He turned to look at me and sneered. "Do you have any questions?"

I was about to shake my head no but stopped. "How long, Alpha?" I asked, keeping my distaste out of my voice. "How long am I stuck in here?"

"Three days." He held up his hand to stop me from talking again. "I could make it longer. You do not want that, correct?"

I shook my head. "No, Alpha."

"Good. Your punishment starts now. Make sure that she stays in her tent." And with that, he left Fernos and me alone in silence.

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