Chapter 1

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Kailin's POV
     I flip the page to my book, smiling. I wiggle myself closer to the pillows behind me, making myself more comfortable as I reread my favorite book for about the third time this month. I could read the Hunger Games forever and I'd never get sick of it.
     I hear a quiet knock on my door and look up from my book with an annoyed expression. Standing in the doorway is my sister, Emmalee. I've always envied her. Her amazing curves and her beautiful round face. Of course her being insecure, she just brushes away the compliments calling herself fat. It doesn't mean she's not gorgeous. She would be able to get any guy she wanted. Although unfortunately for those guys daydreaming about her, she's into girls. Her nice green eyes compliment her wavy, short, light brown hair perfectly. It almost isn't fair how many of the pretty genes she inherited.
     "Kailin, mom wants you to take the cookies out of the oven, she's on a call with grandma," Emmalee says while using her thumb to point behind her towards where the kitchen is.
     I frown at her. "Why can't you do it? I'm reading."
     Disregarding my question she continues. "She made a double batch so she wants you to put half of them in a tupperware and bring them over to the neighbors that just moved in next door."
     "Oh, people finally moved into the Davidson's house?", I ask. Emmalee nods. The Davidson's were the family that lived in the house to the right of our house. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were very sweet people. They had a young son who was around the age of six, and a yippy little chihuahua. They were good people but annoying as neighbors. They let their chihuahua outside to go to the bathroom super late at night, and leave it out there for about a half hour before letting the little howling and yipping dog inside, which of course was annoying. They let their son scream while playing outside and just be super loud in general and Mr. Davidson enjoyed mowing their grass at irritatingly early and strange hours. I had talked to them only a few times before and they were very calm and respectful but had a certain disregard for noise control.
"And why can't you do it?", I ask Emmalee, still a little ticked off that I have to stop reading to deliver the neighbors some cookies. "Besides, do people still do that?"
Emmalee rolls her eyes at me but smiles. "I'm filming right now and of course people still do that. Now go grab the cookies before they burn dumbass."
"Alright alright I'm going." I close my book, folding over the top of the page I was on into a triangle to keep my place, and walk out my door after Emmalee goes back into her room. Emmalee makes YouTube videos almost every week, and to be fair, they are very enjoyable to watch. You can tell she enjoys making them just by watching how happy she is on camera. She does makeup on her channel and is very talented at it. She's does challenges and all sorts of things. She's growing quite big on there and was able to make it her job when she graduated highschool a year back. She always jokes around that I should start a channel for a job when I graduate in two years. I always would tell her that I wouldn't be good at it and I would leave the videos to her. She was fine with that.
I take a pair of oven mitts out of a drawer in the kitchen and take out the two pans of cookies from the oven. I turn off the oven then admire them for a second. I believe my mom tried a different recipe because these cookies look very puffed up and fluffy. After putting them on a cooling rack and letting them cool off for a bit, I put half of them in a tupperware to bring over to the new neighbors. Before putting the lid on the tupperware, I smirk as I steal one of the cookies off the top. I take a bite and literally melt. The smooth chocolate chips and the sweetness of the soft cookie could tame any sort of bad mood I was in. I put on the lid and head next door.
     I push open my front door and step outside into the warm summer air. It's a breezy day so I won't be sweating my ass off, which is a plus. As I walk to the front door of the neighbors house, I take in its appearance. It's red siding sort of reminds me of a barn, but in a good, charming, and relaxing way. As I walk up the stairs I run my hand along the railing which is smooth and polished. I've always found this house different but appealing, but now the house just looks so warm and welcoming. I knock my fingers against the door, brown in color with tan streaks. A women's voice calls from inside the house, muffled and quiet, but the words are still understandable.
     "Jayden, can you get the door?"
     "Yeah!" Another voice yells, a guy's this time, clearly in a different room than the women's voice. I look down at the tupperware full of cookies that I'm cradling in my left arm, suddenly nervous, when the door creaks open. A tall, blonde, and bright eyed guy stands in the doorway and my breathe hitches.  He smiles at me.
     "Hello! Uh, can I help you?"
     "Cookies," I say like an idiot, because I'm too shocked to say something a normal person would say. He's tall and so very attractive. He looks as if he walked straight out of a movie. He looks down at the cookies and I decide to try to speak again.
     "I brought chocolate chip cookies over to welcome you to the neighborhood." I give him an awkward smile as a hold out the container towards him. He takes it and looks back at my face. His eyes glance down to my lips and my body stiffens. What if he kisses me??
     "I can see you have taste tested before bringing them over," he says. I remember the cookie that I shoved in my face before leaving and frantically wipe at my mouth to get any residual chocolate off. Of course he wouldn't want to kiss you are you insane?! I feel so stupid for not even thinking to use a napkin or not to eat like a freaking hyena. I look back at him, still standing there watching my panic attack over practically nothing. "No judgement, it happens. I'm Jayden by the way," he says with his eyebrows slightly raised and a smirk plastered on his face that looks like it was carved out of stone into perfection. I stick out my hand for him to shake.
     "Kailin. Nice to meet you." I'm afraid if I say anything else, I'm gonna start panic rambling or something.
     "Yeah you too." I nod and he nods back, neither of us knowing how to end the conversation.
     "Well I'll see you around. Thanks for the cookies."
     For the first time, I genuinely smile. "Yeah you're welcome. I'll see you." I wave and start walking down the steps near his door. I get halfway down his driveway before I have the urge to turn around. I look at him and he smiles at me and waves. My face gets hot as I wave back to him. I head back to my house and flop onto my bed.

My new neighbor is hot.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I apologize this first chapter was a little boring and cringy but it's important for the story haha. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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