chapter 7

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You may ask how did I meet Miranda? My wife?

It actually was kinda crazy!

Flashback 15.

I was at a birthday party

"Mom I'm leaving!"

"All right tell Miranda I said hi, oh, and also tell her mother that I found a hair in the casserole she brought to the potluck last week and it was disgusting!" She chuckled from the living room

"I'm not telling her that mom!" I laughed

"Oh your no fun!"

"Maybe cuz I don't wanna be thrown out!"

"Be back soon"

"Sure," I said closing the door heading to the birthday party down the street

As I reached the hyped party I walked inside to see the party, I started around at everybody dancing and walked over to where her friend group was (Miranda) "hey have you guys seen, Miranda".

" yeah sure she's right in the kitchen" they gigged I walked over into the kitchen.

And there Miranda was singing smells like teen spirit by nirvana on the table.

I stopped into my tracks "get down from there" I grabbed onto her jacket pulling her down dragging her out of the kitchen and up to her room.

We sat on her bed "who are you?" She pointed in my face she was hella drunk.

"I'm Ophina in your biology class fourth period?"

"Oh I know you nasty braces" she giggled and fell on the bed.

"Is that what they call me?"

"Aw don't be sad I like your face" she grabbed onto my face pulling it closer to hers.

"Uhhh thank you but, I got you this mom made me do it" u put it in her hands it was a little trinket from my mom collection u did get it from her but I more asked for it.

"Aww your so sweet, now kiss me" she perked up her lips,  I paused.

"What!" I got up.

"I know you like me, you stare at me all the time in biology and when I'm at my locker" she laughed

"Damn, well it's not a lie" I sat back down sighing.

"But I like you back so you're in luck" she said grabbing my hand.


"Of course you're really hot, besides the braces".

"I know" I gigled as she gave me a big hug.

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